It works! I had injured my arm while working out about 5 months previous to the trip – it had progressively gotten worse even though I had tried several avenues before (i.e. hot/cold, massage, physical therapy) with some success, still without healing.  I attended the herb/acupuncture class and was impressed with the depth of knowledge, expertise and experience that Martina had – as I spoke to her – I knew that she could help me.  Even though I was hesitant to try all the sessions I’m grateful that I did for I felt the healing process begin the first day on – I will return now better than I arrived. Thanks to Martina for her expertise and confidence. My only regret is that I can’t take her home with me. It was a marvelous experience. If you are hesitant in trying – do it. It works!!! Thank you, thank you, thank you.
