Ozone Therapy: How to Treat Mold Exposure From the Inside Out in Denver

The Amazing Benefits of Using O3 to

Cure Disease, Heal Wounds, and Boost Health & Well-being

ozone therapy denver

Scientists have long known that oxygen is the basis for all life on earth. However, it wasn't until the last century that the power of oxygen, more specifically ozone therapy, to heal wounds, cure ailments, and serve as a catalyst to vastly increased health and well-being was discovered.


How Does Ozone Therapy Work?

Oxygen (O-) is an atom which is unable to exist in a stabilized form because it lacks the electrons to balance it out. In order to provide stability, oxygen atoms bond with each other and share electrons, which creates O2. When O2 is exposed to an energetic force, such as ultraviolet light, the molecules temporarily separate, reuniting nano-seconds later, and producing a gaseous byproduct known as "ozone" (O3).

Ozone is not a medication that chemically alters your body. Instead, it unlocks the cell door on your body’s natural defense mechanisms and directs them towards the areas in most need of healing.(1)


What is Ozone?

Evolved to protect all life on earth from harmful radiation, ozone is a master at quickly and safely penetrating cellular membranes. Here, it converts to disease-fighting, enzyme-producing, bloodstream-oxygenating nanobots that launch an arsenal of natural chemical compounds at multiple cellular targets in need of healing.

Many doctors believe that decreased oxygen lies at the root of all chronic disease, chronic pain and tissue degeneration. In contrast, ozone is an ultra-powerful oxidant which, if administered under controlled conditions, can be therapeutically beneficial in healing a multitude of ailments, diseases, and injuries.


What Are The Health Benefits of Ozone Therapy?

Many argue that ozone therapy, when performed correctly, can reach places that conventional medicine can't touch. In fact, nowadays, there are tens of thousands of doctors worldwide who treat diseases and ailments with ozone therapy.

Ozone therapy is a whole-body approach that works from the inside out. The most significant advantage of ozone therapy over traditional medicine is that whereas traditional, side-effect riddled drugs only address the symptoms of disease and illness, ozone therapy addresses their underlying causes at the cellular level.


What Ailments Can Ozone Therapy Help Treat? 

Clinical studies on O3 therapy have been shown to be efficient in the treatment of neurological degenerative disorders, multiple sclerosis, cardiovascular, peripheral vascular, orthopedic, gastrointestinal and genitourinary pathologies, fibromyalgia, skin diseases/wound healing, diabetes/ulcers, infectious diseases, and lung diseases, and viral diseases. (2)

Disinfecting Sores and Non-healing Wounds

Ozone is one of the most powerful antiseptics on earth. Military physicians have known of ozone's disinfectant properties since before World War One, when ozone was used to treat and disinfect wounds, and kill bacteria and fungi.

Boosts and Balances the Immune System

White blood cells are the body's front-line defense against infection, while antibodies are proteins that recognise and destroy foreign invaders such as bacteria, viruses, fungi (yeast, candida, mold) and toxins. Ozone therapy can help to boost your immune system by stimulating the production of white blood cells and antibodies.

Reduce Inflammation

Ozone is a powerful anti-inflammatory agent. It reduces inflammation at a cellular level by inhibiting the release of cytokines - small proteins that play a vital role in the body's inflammatory response.


By improving circulation and stimulating the production of red blood cells, ozone therapy enables the body to transport more oxygen and nutrients around the body. This increased oxygen-carrying capacity helps to cleanse the blood and remove toxins from the cells.

Increased Energy and Sense of Wellbeing

Well-oxygenated cells are well-functioning cells. Well-functioning cells result in vastly increased energy stores, which results in an increased zest for life. Additionally, ozone stimulates the production of ATP - the primary source of energy for our cells. In one study, ozone therapy was shown to increase the production of ATP by up to 400%. (3,4,5,6,7,8)

Autoimmune Disease

Autoimmune diseases are caused when the body's immune system mistakenly attacks healthy cells. Ozone therapy can help to treat autoimmune diseases by reducing inflammation and rebalancing the immune system.


Cancer is a disease caused by the abnormal growth of cells. Ozone therapy can help to treat cancer by inhibiting the growth of cancer cells and by boosting the immune system. 

Advanced stages of solid tumors thrive in hypoxic (oxygen deprived) environments which can further promote tumor progression and resistance to therapy. (9) The effects of ozone in modifying tumor hypoxia provide additional support for potential beneficial effects during cancer treatment. (10) 

Chronic Pain

Chronic pain is often caused by inflammation. Ozone therapy can help to treat chronic pain by reducing inflammation and by stimulating the production of ATP - the fuel source for our cells. Chronic pain arising from arthritis and herniated disks can be improved with ozone therapy. (11) 

Lyme Disease

Lyme disease is a bacterial infection that can cause a variety of symptoms, including fatigue, joint pain, and headaches. Ozone therapy can help to treat Lyme disease by reducing inflammation, boosting the immune system, and killing the bacteria that are associated with Lyme disease. Patients experience improvement in their symptoms such as joint pain, brain fog, and fatigue. (12)

Mold Toxins

Mold toxins can bring about a variety of debilitating symptoms which can be difficult and take time to treat. Ozone therapy can be a powerful therapy in the treatment process through its fungicidal actions.

Viral Infections

Ozone therapy can help to alleviate  viral infections such as herpes simplex virus (HSV), Epstein-Barr (EBV), human papillomavirus (HPV), hepatitis, HIV, common cold and influenza.  by inhibiting the growth of the virus and boosting the immune system. (13)  Additionally, ozone therapy can help to reduce inflammation and pain associated with viral infections..


Ozone therapy has demonstrated significant benefits for fibromyalgia patients. (14) There are a few possible mechanisms by which ozone therapy could help treat fibromyalgia. As well as reducing inflammation (which is thought to play a role in fibromyalgia's development) ozone therapy's ability to increase ATP production helps to reduce fatigue, one of the main symptoms of fibromyalgia. 

Poor circulation

The secondary effects of poor circulation, i.e venous insufficiency, is rooted in the fact that oxygen is not being delivered to the periphery. This leads to symptoms such as peripheral neuropathy (15), diabetic neuropathy, discoloration of the lower legs, varicose and spider veins, and toenail fungus. Ozone therapy can help mitigate these symptoms by oxygenating these areas.


What are some of the side effects of ozone therapy?

Ozone therapy is considered to be an extremely safe and effective treatment. Generally, there are no side-effects with proper dosing and administration. (16) Rarely, 0.000007% of  patients (15) may experience some minor and temporary side effects. These may include:

  • fatigue

  • headache

  • dizziness

  • nausea

  • lightheadedness

  • skin irritation (at the site of injection)

These side effects are mild, temporary, and are far outweighed by ozone therapy's many benefits.


What Happens During an Ozone Therapy Session?

Ozone therapy incorporates various methods of allowing therapeutic doses of medical-grade ozone into the body in order to increase oxygen levels, thus prompting it to heal and regenerate itself. The manner of administration depends on what is best for the patient. 


How Often Should I Use Ozone Therapy?

Ozone therapy may be administered up to three times a week, depending on the patient's medical condition, symptoms, and response to therapy.


Ozone Therapy in Denver: Is it Safe for Me?

Yes, ozone therapy is safe. It has been used for over 100 years to treat a variety of medical conditions. Additionally, it is FDA approved and is backed by a wealth of scientific research.


What Ozone Therapy System Does Denver Sports and Holistic Medicine Use?

We use the O3 Elite Single Ozone Generator ®.Widely considered the Gold Standard of ozone therapy, this system is easy to use, provides ultra-high quality ozone, and comes with a number of unique, important features, and superior quality control.


Ozone Therapy in Denver: What Treatments Does Denver Sports and Holistic Medicine Offer?

  • Rectal Insufflation – treats various liver and gastrointestinal disorders such as hepatitis, colitis, fistule, destroys pathogenic bacteria, viruses, yeast and parasites, helps restore normal flora and it’s an efficient systemic (whole body) application with a 95% absorption rate (17)

  • Vaginal Insufflation – used to  treat a variety of local issues: herpes, HPV, cervical dysplasia, yeast infections, urinary tract infections, bacterial vaginitis, and abnormal pap smears, sexually transmitted diseases, fertility, endometriosis, fibroids as well as being an efficient way to administer ozone systemically.

  • Intra-articular injection – used for arthritis, ligament, and tendon injuries and often used in conjunction with prolotherapy

  • Ear Insufflation – primarily used for ear infections

  • Limb bagging – used for poorly healing wounds, sores, skin infections, tissue necrosis and post-surgical incision sites

  • Ozonated oil  – used as an ointment for skin issues

  • Ozonated water – used primarily as a powerful biocide for dental and periodontal issues

Ozone Therapy in Denver: Is It For Me?

Yes! Whether you have a specific condition you seek to treat, or are looking to increase physical energy and all-around wellbeing, ozone therapy is a powerful remedy to aid you on your health journey.

Find out more about ozone therapy and schedule a free consultation with Denver Sports and Holistic Medicine today.


  1. NCBI

  2. Pubmed/

  3. NCBI

  4. Semanticscholar

  5. NCBI

  6. Cajaclin

  7. NCBI

  8. NCBI

  9. PubMed

  10. PubMed

  11. Sematicscholar

  12. Ozonehospital

  13. Oxidationtech

  14. Pubmed

  15. Neuropathy

  16. Pubmed

  17. Tandfonline