Prior to my trip I had a swollen foot around back of foot and beneath ankle.  I had previously been diagnosed with Hagland’s deformity years ago.

First day I had difficulty walking and was in extreme pain.  I didn’t want this to ruin my cruise so I thought I’d try acupuncture.

After 2 treatments it alleviated my pain to the point that I could get around, however, after being on the beach and walking in the sand, I did have tolerable pain and swelling.

Today 11th treatment and I feel good and swelling down considerably.  I wished I would have had the opportunity to rest my foot so I could say I believe in this 100%.  I’m an “impatient patient” but I do believe I would have to have gone through 3 months of physical therapy to get where I am today.  I plan to continue this at home for a sense of wellbeing and relaxation.  I definitely want to learn more about this. 
