I began several months ago looking into pain relief for neuropathy as my foot pain continued to increase and have seen my G.P., endocrinologist, and neurologist.  My prescribed medicines were not helping and my doctor’s tried to help, usually by increasing the medication concentration.  I looked into acupuncture, and after attending a seminar on the Regal by Martina Sturm, I signed up for treatment.  I attended acupuncture consultation and after the third treatment my foot pain, especially at night time, had reduced significantly.  By my 5th session my feet were at a very tolerable level and I actually stopped my prescribed medication for pain.  I plan on continuing acupuncture as a method to reduce my foot pains.  The Regal, the spa, and the schedule set-up for me by Martina, allowed easy access to acupuncture treatments, something that at home may have taken weeks to accomplish.  Thank you!  My pain as decreased by over 80%.
