I have a degenerative disc in the L5 region of my back. I do have bouts of disability 1-2 times a year.  This was one of them, the day of our flight to Venice Italy, loading luggage, I started getting spasms so bad I thought about cancelling the cruise (our 40th anniversary). So I took some pills and just gutted it out. Upon arriving at the ship, I immediately went to the infirmary and was asked if I had ever tried acupuncture. I had not.  But when you’re in pain, you’ll try anything.  I got a time with Dr. Sturm and she explained what she was going to do.  I struggled to get on the table.  After one session of acupuncture I got off the table and was able to move quite well.  I signed for 5 more sessions and have been able to walk on all of our tours pain free.

I know when I get back to Tucson I will be pursuing the treatment of acupuncture.

Thank you Dr. Sturm.
