Posts tagged sciatica

When we first boarded the Crown Princess in Los Angeles my legs were in so much pain that simple standing and walking was almost unbearable. The first day at sea, I saw and advertisement regarding acupuncture and wondered if that could be a solution for my pain/ after consultation I decided to give it a try and that was one of the best decisions I’ve made. After my first treatment I could see some results. At the end of my designed treatment plan I am virtually pain free. Even ailments that were not specifically treated have shown improvement.

I recommend acupuncture for pain treatment.


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I had acupuncture for sciatica from disc herniations about 20 years ago as little else was helping CPT, exercise , yoga and I refused to take OTC or RX medications to control the pain. As a health care professional, I was aware of the applications for acupuncture in China as anesthesia for heart surgery, brain surgery, birthing etc.. and was willing to try a “complementary medicine” approach to resolve my periodic but severe low back pain and sciatica. For about two-month prior to this cruise, I had been experiencing severe low back pain and sciatica.

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What started as treatment for weight loss evolved into so much more. Multiple treatments helped with sciatica, weight loss and constipation. During the source of my session, Martina was able to incorporate additional treatment for overactive bladder and constipation. When I developed an upper respiratory infection she also treated that.

I feel better than I have in years. My sciatica is practically non- existent. Overactive bladder is much improved (I can sleep all night) and constipation is resolved.

I started a detox program in conjunction with the acupuncture and I am pleased with the results this far. I am looking forward to using herbs and continuing my program at home.


PS. As an allopathic practitioner – must admit, I was skeptical at first – now I am a believer!

-Judi, MD

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I thought that my sciatica flare-up would literally ruin my trip! I had extreme pain in my left leg. I was so lucky to find acupuncture right here on the ship. In just a few days my pain had been reduced significantly! I was able to enjoy the cruise of a lifetime.

Thank you!


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I came to acupuncture with many ailments. Just to mention a few: sciatica, arthritis, stress, anxiety, headaches. With so much to work with I did not expect miracles but I did notice I had more energy. One session I came in with a headache and when I left it was gone. I’ve also noticed that I can walk farther before the pain gets unbearable. For me that is a big plus. My anxiety seems to have improved also. I feel more at peace. I have made some internal changes so I am more comfortable than I was. I am so thankful for such a great experience.


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I was having back and sciatic nerve problems on and off for over 1-1/2 years, until recently, where it got worse and worse. I went to a chiropractor and a physical therapist and they helped a little. A friend of mine told me about acupuncture therapy just before my wife and I came on this cruise and how much it helped him.

Acupuncture treatment? I thought a medieval way to treat people. I went to a seminar they were having on the ship about this very subject. There I met this nice young lady giving a convincing speech about how she can cure many ailments relating to the body. Her name is Dr. Martina.

I decided to give her a try. Best move I’ve made in years. Dr. Martina, I can’t thank you enough. THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU!


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I have had several treatments. Before my treatments I was easily worn out. I had sciatic pain and pain in my heels. Yet after the treatments I have more energy and I went dancing after my 6th treatment. I went dancing and I wore out a lady young enough to be my daughter. I danced until after midnight. At home I’m usually ready for bed around 9pm (my time zone is the same as the ships).

I would recommend acupuncture to anyone with aches and pains. I feel so much better.


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I have taken many cruises before and have gotten rest, or so I thought, but the stress, aches soon returned.

On this trip I decided to try acupuncture to relieve the pain in my back and down my leg. I had never tried this procedure before and did not really know what to expect.

After the first treatment I was amazed that the pain, after my back surgery, had diminished, I rested MUCH better and had more energy. Not only that, my appetite has been curbed. I might have LOST weight on this cruise!! My eating habits have changed - I no longer crave sweets – mostly fruits and veggies.

I now believe in natural treatment of acupuncture. This procedure has no side effects to treating ailments unlike prescription drugs.

I have smiled and laughed more on this trip than ever before. I feel confident that I can deal with things back home and hope to continue treatments there.

Thanks Martina, for taking us under your wing and educating us!


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About 30 days before my 10 day cruise I pinched a nerve in my back that created severe pain in my lower back and down my right leg all the way to my toes. I was in so much pain I went to the spa to get a full body massage thinking it would help. It did feel good at the time but the next day the pain was the same. I made a trip back to the spa and talked to Dr. Martina Sturm a licensed acupuncturist. I have never had any type of acupuncture before so I was nervous. After 3 treatments all of my pain was gone and I was able to dance and enjoy my trip on this beautiful vessel, the Ruby Princess.

Thank you so much Dr. Martina – you were great.


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A few weeks before our cruise I did something to cause some severe sciatic problems (lower back and pain that moved around from one leg then the other). I was very concerned that it would affect how much walking and climbing I’d be able to do.

We attended Martina’s seminar and decided to give acupuncture a try (she had a captive audience!). If it helped me it would be well worth the investment. I had 7 sessions and was able to maintain a vigorous tour schedule throughout. I am still doing well and feel stronger each day. We have continued our vacation beyond the initial treatment series and I am still feeling so much better!

Thank you, Martina!


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My leg and hip hurt before coming on the cruise and during shore excursions was further irritated. Desperately wanting and needing relief for all the walking ahead of me, I came to Martina for help.

After 4 acupuncture sessions my leg and hip feel 90% better and am able to enjoy the cruise.

Thank you, Martina. You were wonderful and very professional!


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I have never experience acupuncture before this cruise. As far back as I can remember I have suffered from neck, shoulder, lumbar pain and sciatica. My first treatment, with Martina, was amazing. She focused on my lower back and sciatic nerves. When it was over I was pain free. I really didn’t understand this feeling and couldn’t wait for the second session. Again, to my amazement after including my neck and shoulders and between my shoulder blades, to the rest of my body – I left with virtually no pain.

Martina’s technique has left me truly a believer in acupuncture. To have suffered all those years and now to be able to sit and move about almost totally pain free is a miracle.

For all skeptics who have thought about acupuncture but were hesitant to try, just allow yourself one session. I know it’s not for everyone but all I can say is that it can make a difference to your well being.


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For over 5 years I have suffered from lower back pain. I have tried chiropractic, massage therapy, pain management treatment (epidural blocks) and finally a laminectomy performed by a neurosurgeon. Some of these treatments provided short term relief of the pain. I have 2 herniated disks at L4-L5-S1.

After walking up Mount Vesuvius, my back pain increased to the point that I had difficulty walking or sitting. I attended Martina’s seminar and decided to give it a try. Nothing else seemed to work.

After 2 treatments, my back was vastly improved! I had 2 additional treatments and improved even more. I must admit that I was a skeptic, but Martina’s treatment has made a significant difference! Today we were in Athens. I walked at least 5 miles, went to the Acropolis, and feel fine at the end of the day.

Thanks Martina! I’ll continue treatment when I get home.


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I have been a convert! I never believed this ancient form of treatment would work on the illness and pain of today’s society. Well, I was proved wrong. My sciatica was completely gone after two sessions. And while I have had fusion work done on my upper discs by neurosurgeons, I had Martina work with her skill to relieve my sacral pain.

She is so professional and committed to her work. By having these qualities and dedication, she used all her training and skills to alleviate my lower back pain.

My muscles are eased and I am comfortable and able to stop my daily medication of Vicodin which is an extremely strong pain medication and opiate.

This treatment will come to an end but I am going to pursue finding an acupuncture center and prolong having addition surgery. I am convinced acupuncture will be recognized more as a valued form of medical care.

I can only recommend – give it a try and you too will be convinced of its curative benefit.

Many thanks!


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While on board I developed sciatica, which I have suffered from, on and off for sometime. By chance, I met Martina Sturm on deck and after Martina had outlined the benefits acupuncture could give, I agreed to have three courses of acupuncture.

After the first course of treatment my pain had gone. I carried on with the remaining courses of treatment as advised by Martina and am still completely free from pain.

I would recommend acupuncture to anybody in long term pain and feel that Martina Sturm has great knowledge in Asian medicine and has acted in a very professional way.


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I have a degenerative disc in the L5 region of my back. I do have bouts of disability 1-2 times a year. This was one of them, the day of our flight to Venice Italy, loading luggage, I started getting spasms so bad I thought about cancelling the cruise (our 40th anniversary). So I took some pills and just gutted it out. Upon arriving at the ship I immediately went to the infirmary and was asked if I had ever tried acupuncture. I had not. But when you’re in pain, you’ll try anything. I got a time with Dr. Sturm and she explained what she was going to do. I struggled to get on the table. After one session of acupuncture I got off the table and was able to move quite well. I signed for 5 more sessions and have been able to walk on all of our tours pain free.

I know when I get back to Tucson I will be pursuing the treatment of acupuncture.

Thank you Dr. Sturm


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I came in looking for leg and foot pain issues after back fusion of the S1-L5-L4. To my surprise the walking of the tours changed to my good fortune. The nerve pain was drastically improved. I should have started the treatment at the beginning of the cruise rather than two thirds through the trip. The back pain also was reduced to a manageable level.

My other desire was to reduce the desire for sweets. The cravings seemed to change. I did have a desire to change my habits but the last 4 days seemed easier in this habit.

In closing the sites given to me for future help will be used once at home.


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