I was having back and sciatic nerve problems on and off for over 1-1/2 years, until recently, where it got worse and worse.  I went to a chiropractor and a physical therapist and they helped a little.  A friend of mine told me about acupuncture therapy just before my wife and I came on this cruise and how much it helped him.

Acupuncture treatment?  I thought a medieval way to treat people. I went to a seminar they were having on the ship about this very subject.  There I met this nice young lady giving a convincing speech about how she can cure many ailments relating to the body.  Her name is Dr. Martina.

I decided to give her a try.  Best move I’ve made in years.  Dr. Martina, I can’t thank you enough.  THANK YOU!  THANK YOU!  THANK YOU!
