How Acupuncture Can Help You Stop Smoking

Curb Your Cravings to Smoke Naturally with Acupuncture

acupuncture smoking cessation

Have you “quit” smoking many times only to relapse again and again? 

Quitting smoking is no small task! Few addictions are harder to break than nicotine addiction. Yet, it’s one of the most important things you can do to improve your health. 

To successfully stop smoking, you’ll need the best tools to help with the physical and emotional symptoms. And when more traditional methods to quit have failed, smokers often turn to ancient and holistic healing methods, including acupuncture. 

You no longer need to watch your goal to stop smoking go up in literal smoke! 

Let’s dive in and learn how acupuncture can help you quit smoking.

What is acupuncture?

Acupuncture is an ancient healing modality in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) that dates back over 3000 years. It relies on stimulating specific points on the body, usually with fine needles, to relieve pain and enhance health and well-being. (1) 

Traditional Chinese Medicine practitioners use acupuncture to help treat various conditions ranging from headaches to nausea and smoking cessation.

How does acupuncture work?

Research has demonstrated that inserting very fine, sterile needles at specific points on the body helps trigger the body’s natural self-healing response. (2) These acupuncture points release biochemicals such as endorphins, dopamine, nitric oxide, and serotonin, which naturally relieve pain and affect the part of the brain involved with mood. (3, 4) 

When combined, acupuncture points help re-establish proper function and communication among the body’s systems, helping ease symptoms, improve mood, digestion, and sleep, and provide a sense of well-being.

Acupuncture to Stop Smoking

Nicotine is one of the most highly addictive substances. It can be a challenging physical and emotional habit to overcome, which is why relapses are so common. 

Because nicotine raises the brain chemicals dopamine and serotonin, you may feel anxious or crave a cigarette as the levels of these neurotransmitters drop. And when you do quit, you likely experience food cravings, anxiety, and insomnia because these same chemicals become chronically low without the stimulation from nicotine. These withdrawal symptoms highlight both the chemical and psychological dependence that nicotine creates.

Acupuncture, as an alternative approach to smoking cessation, can help break this cycle by naturally increasing dopamine and serotonin levels in the brain. Effectively helping to reduce cravings and alleviate withdrawal symptoms such as jitters, cravings, irritability, and restlessness, while also helping to promote natural detoxification. (5)

In fact, many acupuncture patients report that they start to detest the taste of cigarettes, have difficulty finishing a cigarette, and struggle to be around second-hand smoke. (6) 

How effective is acupuncture in quitting smoking?

Acupuncture to help you stop smoking is an individualized approach to quitting, unlike other, more traditional options. In fact, growing research indicates that acupuncture may benefit those unable to quit using different methods. (7) 

One study has even confirmed that following an adequate acupuncture treatment plan may help motivate smokers to reduce their smoking or even quit altogether, with effects lasting at least five years. (8) And subjects in this study also noted that cigarettes tasted worse than before treatment, effectively reducing their desire to smoke. 

Acupuncture Points to Quit Smoking

Each patient’s acupuncture treatment will be unique based on their symptoms and concerns. However, it is common to use a combination of body acupuncture points and points on the ear to influence the organs and energetic pathways associated with smoking.

There is an acupuncture point called “Tim Mee,” located on the wrist which is explicitly used to help patients stop smoking because it alters how cigarettes taste. Even though Tim Mee is a powerful acupuncture point, it must be used in conjunction with other points to combat cravings, rebalance the body, and bring a sense of well-being.

Other commonly used acupuncture points shown to relieve withdrawal symptoms and improve smoking cessation treatment include (9)

  • Shenmen on the ear, which is used to help relieve stress, anxiety, and insomnia. (10)

  • The Kidney point on the ear is used for calming fears and healing internal organs. (11)

  • The Four Gate Points located in the hands and feet circulate energy and calm the nervous system.

  • The Sympathetic point on the ear helps to alleviate stress and improve respiratory function. (12)

  • The Lung points on the ears are said to provide balance and help cleanse the body of inhaled toxins.

  • The Liver point on the ear helps with detoxification.

Acupuncture treatments for smoking cessation involve selecting quality points that address your symptoms. Fewer needles that accurately address your symptoms and concerns can be beneficial. On average, acupuncture treatment will include six to 12 needles.

How many acupuncture treatments will I need to stop smoking?

Individualized treatment plans are required based on a patient’s unique pattern of illness and symptoms. Because acupuncture is dose-dependent, starting with a more condensed treatment plan is best, and tapering off as effects on the body begin to take hold. Remember that the more consistent you are, the better your outcomes will be.

Even though the number and duration of acupuncture treatments required vary for each person, it’s common for acupuncture treatments to be done weekly for four to six weeks and then monthly for four to six months. 

To optimize the smoking cessation benefits of acupuncture and restore your overall health, a detoxification and wellness program is recommended to follow any acupuncture treatment plan.

How quickly can I expect to feel reduced cravings to smoke?

Symptom relief may be felt immediately, within hours, or a few days after your initial treatment. Although, depending on the severity of your symptoms, it is more common to experience a reduction in cravings after the first few treatments. 

Remember that chronic conditions, like nicotine addiction, generally require a series of treatments to help resolve cravings and restore balance to your system.

Benefits of Acupuncture for Quitting Smoking

One of the most powerful benefits of acupuncture is that it calms the mind and eases anxiety. It’s not uncommon for patients to experience a deep state of relaxation or sleep during acupuncture and awaken with a sense of tranquility and well-being. 

Other benefits of acupuncture for people quitting smoking include:

  • Reduced cravings

    Acupuncture slows the body’s natural stress response, which can help curb cravings.

  • Mood stabilization

    Acupuncture triggers the brain to produce endorphins, our feel-good chemicals, that can help stabilize your mood and reduce irritability. 

  • Enhanced overall health

    Acupuncture helps eliminate unhealthy habits and brings about positive physical changes that help improve your overall health and well-being. 

Side Effects of Acupuncture for Quitting Smoking

Acupuncture to help you stop smoking is a natural therapy that works directly with the body’s processes, not against them. 

Rarely a patient will experience a residual ache or bruising at the needle insertion site. These side effects commonly dissipate within a few hours or days. Other less common side effects of acupuncture to quit smoking include:

  • Dizziness

  • Drowsiness

  • Lightheadedness

  • Nausea

  • Residual muscle aches

Any of these rare side effects typically resolve quickly. Instead, it is more common to experience a sense of well-being and a calm, relaxed feeling.

Acupuncture for Smoking Cessation in Denver, Colorado

At Denver Sports and Holistic Medicine, we partner with you to identify and address any underlying causes of smoking, including stress, social triggers, addictive behaviors, and habits, so that we can provide the support your body needs to quit. In addition to acupuncture, we can combine multiple care modalities to facilitate the changes you desire.

Quitting smoking is one of the most important steps you can take to improve your health and reduce your risk for chronic disease, and we’re here as your trusted partner to help you achieve your goals.

Schedule a free consultation today to determine if acupuncture treatment is right for your smoking cessation goals.

Find your trusted partner at Denver Sports and Holistic Medicine for your health journey.


1. PubMed

2. PubMed

3. Harvard Health Publishing

4. PubMed

5. Sage Journals

6. PubMed

7. PubMed

8. PubMed

9. PubMed

10. PubMed

11. Yale School of Medicine

12. Scientific and Academic Publishing