The 7 Best Non-Surgical Treatments for Varicose Veins

These holistic options can treat varicose veins without surgery.

treatment for varicose veins

With summer finally around the corner, you couldn’t wait to put your winter coat away and trade it in for your favorite dress. That is until you started noticing the dark, prominent veins on your legs. Now you can’t imagine taking that summer dress off the hanger. 

These dark and prominent leg veins are commonly known as varicose veins. And beyond the self-consciousness they can create, they’re also painful and uncomfortable

Your swollen and heavy legs might be a sign of venous insufficiency, a condition where the blood flow between your leg veins and heart gets disrupted. It’s common if you’re over 50 – but you shouldn’t have to live with it just because you’re getting older. 

You’ve heard about the invasive procedures available to have varicose veins removed. But if you’re looking for an alternative, there are many non-surgical treatments for improving blood flow in your legs.

Let’s explore these holistic options to relieve the pain and address the symptoms of venous insufficiency – so you can rock your favorite summer dress with confidence.

Causes of Varicose Veins

Venous insufficiency happens when your body has trouble sending blood from the veins in your legs back up to your heart. 

The valves in your leg veins are responsible for keeping your blood moving upwards towards your heart. But if your vein walls weaken or your valves become damaged then your blood flow becomes disrupted.

This causes your leg veins to fill with blood instead of effectively circulating your blood back upward toward the heart. This trapped blood is what makes the veins look dark and bulging – what are known as varicose veins. (4)

If your venous insufficiency is causing varicose veins, you’re not alone. 

It’s estimated that 40% of people in the country experience them. And it occurs most frequently in women over the age of 50 – so much for the “golden years”! (1)

Aside from getting older, there are a few other conditions that can lead to venous insufficiency, including:

  • Pregnancy: Some women develop varicose veins during pregnancy that are usually temporary.

  • Inactive Lifestyle: This can cause the body to develop poor circulation.

  • Obesity: Being overweight can cause varicose veins because it puts higher pressure on your abdomen and leg veins. 

If you’re suddenly getting varicose veins, addressing underlying conditions can help treat them.

Venous Insufficiency Symptoms

It’s important to address venous insufficiency so it doesn’t lead to more serious problems down the road. These are some symptoms to look out for that can indicate this condition:

Swollen Legs and Feet

Slight swelling in your ankles and feet isn’t always a cause for concern. But if you’ve been experiencing it frequently for no apparent reason, this could be an early sign of venous insufficiency. This stems from a buildup of fluid in the soft tissues of your lower legs. (6)

Tingling or Numbness in Legs

Your circulatory system regulates the flow of blood, oxygen, and nutrients throughout your body. When the blood flow to a specific part of your body reduces, it can cause numbness or tingling in that area. If you’re feeling numbness in your legs it could mean your blood flow is disrupted. 

Heavy Legs

Heavy legs are such a common symptom that venous insufficiency is often referred to as “heavy leg syndrome.” The sensation of heavy legs is another indication of poor circulation. 

Varicose Veins

We’ve already mentioned this one, but varicose veins are one of the most common symptoms of venous insufficiency. It makes your leg veins appear more dark and noticeable, or even look like cords in some cases.

Standing and walking add pressure to the blood flow in your legs. That's why it’s common to experience venous insufficiency symptoms in your lower extremities, and why the symptoms may be worse after long periods of standing or walking. If you’re on your feet a lot at work, that could explain the problem. (3) 

Non-Surgical Treatments for Varicose Veins

Any one of the venous insufficiency symptoms can be painful and get in the way of living the life you want. You need a treatment option that can relieve pain and noticeable varicose veins. 

But if you’re not looking for an invasive procedure, try these proven holistic options to treat varicose veins without surgery instead:

Ozone Therapy

One of the underlying causes of venous insufficiency is that sufficient O2 is not being delivered to your tissues or body parts due to poor circulation. Ozone therapy addresses the problem by injecting ozone which immediately converts to oxygen into the tissues that have insufficient supply. (5)

This injection method is a safe and effective way to deliver O2 to the tissues that are desperately lacking it. Be sure to work with a trained professional who can administer oxygen therapy safely and effectively.

Homeopathic Injections

Homeopathic injections work with your body to relieve different symptoms of venous insufficiency naturally. This therapy can stimulate your body’s innate healing capabilities.

A variety of homeopathic injections treat different symptoms of venous insufficiency. Some relieve pain and swelling, while others can increase circulation. When used together, these injections offer a natural, safe, and effective alternative to surgery.


Acupuncture is highly safe and effective at improving  your circulation naturally. This treats the root cause and thus alleviates the signs and symptoms of venous insufficiency.

Nitric oxide is the molecule responsible for dilating blood vessels to increase blood flow. Placing acupuncture needles at key points of energy stimulates this nitric oxide, which improves blood flow and regulates your circulation.

Herbal Therapy

Similar to acupuncture, herbal therapy is a natural and effective treatment for poor circulation. The herbs both promote and invigorate the blood flow. 

Different herbs address the different underlying causes of venous insufficiency. Depending on your unique case, herbs would be prescribed to address the root cause of your poor circulation. 

Compression Stockings

Compression stockings are commonly used as a tool to treat varicose veins and venous insufficiency. They can help alleviate the symptoms by stimulating blood flow.

Compression stockings work by squeezing the legs, which compresses your veins and keeps your blood moving in the right direction. (2)


You know how people refer to exercise as “getting the blood pumping”? That’s because exercise can increase your blood flow and help your blood travel back to your heart properly. 

Although exercise can’t cure varicose veins completely, improving your circulation can alleviate pain and discomfort. Exercise works best as a preventative treatment for varicose veins. If you want to lower your chance of seeing any more, getting up and moving is a good place to start! 

Leg Elevation

Elevating your legs on a regular basis is one of the best at-home varicose vein treatments to reduce leg swelling and pain. Doing this helps your blood travel from your legs back to your heart. Let gravity do the work!

Lie down on your back with your legs elevated, and make sure they’re resting above your heart. 

You can start preventing varicose veins right now from home. Or consult a holistic doctor that specializes in non-surgical treatments for varicose veins that address both the aesthetic and underlying problems of venous insufficiency.

Surgery is not your only option.

Treat Varicose Veins Without Surgery

You don’t have to live with varicose veins just because you’re getting older. And you don’t have to feel self-conscious this summer. 

If you’re struggling with venous insufficiency, request a consultation with Denver Sports and Holistic Medicine. We’ll take the time to review your health history and symptoms to determine the best holistic treatment plan for you that doesn’t involve surgery. This may include oxygen therapy, acupuncture, homeopathic formulas, herbal therapy, or a lifestyle plan to help you anti-age naturally.


  1. Cleveland Clinic

  2. International Vascular & Vein Center

  3. MayoClinic

  4. Mount Sinai

  5. PubMed

  6. WebMD