3 Ways to Determine the Quality of a Full-Spectrum Hemp Oil

What to look for in a high-quality hemp brand to get the most health benefits.

high-quality hemp oil

Do you prefer avoiding medication for non life-threatening conditions? You trust that your body is capable of healing – it just needs a little support. So you don’t want to turn to the nearest pill bottle for every pain or discomfort that comes up.

If you’re looking for a natural healing method, full-spectrum hemp oil has many health benefits. It's effective in healing pain, stress, sleep, or skin issues – to name a few.

Full-spectrum hemp oil can regulate your body’s systems that trigger your natural healing process. Even if you're not struggling with a specific issue, it can lead to increased vitality and energy.

But just like you would do your research on medication, vetting the right hemp oil is crucial to reaping all the benefits it has to offer. The truth is, not all companies create hemp oil with the same level of care and quality. So let’s explore the indicators of a high-quality brand.

Difference Between Full-Spectrum Hemp Oil, Broad-Spectrum Hemp Oil, and Isolates

Many people know about hemp oil. But few know the difference between full-spectrum, broad-spectrum, and isolates oil like CBD. The level of nutrients and quality is different in each. 

There are three types of hemp oil products:

  • Isolate. Isolates a specific part of the hemp plant and only contains the isolate and carrier oil. This means it excludes all the other nutrients of the hemp plant. CBD oil is an example of an isolate product. To explore the full differences between hemp oil and CBD oil, check out this blog.

  • Broad Spectrum. The difference between broad-spectrum and full-spectrum hemp oils is which compounds they contain. Broad-spectrum usually contains 3-5 cannabinoids, such as CBD, CBC, CBG, and CBN.

  • Full Spectrum. Includes all five of the cannabinoids in a hemp plant. Including the vitamins and minerals from the original hemp source. Full-spectrum hemp oil is the most nutrient-dense hemp product and includes the benefits of the full plant.

Essentially, full-spectrum hemp oil includes all the nutrients and cannabinoids of the full hemp plant. Unlike CBD or broad-spectrum, it doesn’t isolate certain parts of the plant. So full-spectrum hemp oil generally offers the most health benefits.

But since hemp products come from the hemp plant, the oil is only as qualified as the sourced hemp. Knowing the origin of where the hemp came from and how it was sourced are key indicators of product quality.

3 Ways to Determine the Quality of a Full-Spectrum Hemp Oil

Hemp oil comes from a plant that grows from the earth. So the farming practices used to grow and harvest your hemp oil affects its quality.

It's similar to considering organic food versus non-organic food. Organic food is grown and sourced naturally with no additives, so you know that you’re ingesting the highest-quality nutrients without any harmful chemicals added. The same thing applies to hemp oil.

To make sure you’re getting quality hemp oil, look out for:

  1. Environmental Quality. Find brands that source hemp from organic farms that use high-quality farming practices. These farms should ensure hemp is not exposed to pesticides – just like organic food.

  2. Natural, High-Quality Ingredients. Check the label for any questionable additive ingredients. Ingredients that weren't sourced from the earth aren't as pure as the hemp plant!

  3. Extraction Process. The process by which the cannabinoids and nutrients are extracted from the hemp plant. Some companies use harsh methods that are bad for your health and the earth.

Sustainable farming practices and natural ingredients are crucial to the quality of hemp oil. But unfortunately, some companies overlook these processes to speed up production. 

The Importance of the Hemp Oil Extraction Process

The extraction process is especially crucial to the quality of the product. To stop you from ingesting anything that wasn’t sourced in a quality way, these are some of the bad extractions methods to look out for and avoid:

  • Petroleum-Based Extraction. Uses petroleum-based hydrocarbons to extract the cannabinoids from the hemp. This process leaves hydrocarbon residue in the processed oil. Meaning your hemp oil could have traces of butane and propane in it. We urge you to fully avoid this!

  • CO2 Extraction. Although not as unhealthy as petroleum-based extraction, this method can also be harmful. It uses harsh CO2, high heat, and very high pressure to extract the cannabinoids from the hemp plant. This process also leaves residue in the oil and the high pressure destroys the hemp plants cells, removing much of the nutrient goodness.

  • Supercritical CO2 Extraction. This method is slightly better than traditional CO2 extraction, although it’s similarly harsh. This process allows you to isolate a specific cannabinoid and extract it from hemp.

Introducing chemicals into the extraction process is unnecessary and harmful. But the process is quicker than taking the diligent time to hand-press extraction. So, unfortunately, the majority of CBD and hemp oil companies today use the harsh extraction method of CO2 or Ethanol. 
Plus, oils that are extracted using the CO2 processes are not as beneficial to your health.

CO2 methods damage the cell walls of the plant and its cannabinoids. Cannabinoids are the nutrients of the hemp plant that offer key health benefits. 

So, which hemp oil extraction process indicates quality?

The Lipid Infusion method is the safest, most effective extraction method that offers the most health benefits.

This process uses low heat and a carrier oil to retain the most amount of nutrients from the hemp plant. The carrier oil bonds with the hemp to retain its cannabinoids, minerals, and nutrients.

The gentle process protects the molecular structure of the hemp plant cells. Meaning the cannabinoids that offer you the most health benefits are protected. 

The Lipid Infusion method produces the purest and most effective hemp oil products. And there are no chemicals involved in the process.

The Full-Spectrum Hemp Oil You Can Trust

At Denver Sports and Holistic Medicine, we’re dedicated to providing our patients with the resources and products they need to enhance their health. That’s why we’re careful to only partner with brands that we know are producing the highest-quality products. So, if you’re looking for high-quality hemp oil, we recommend Synchronicity.

Our trusted partners at Synchronicity create the most nutrient-dense oils for optimal health. Sustainable and organic farming practices make Synchronicity hemp oil the highest quality available. 

Most importantly, Synchronicity uses the highest quality Lipid Infusion method. They don’t use any overly complicated, fancy extraction equipment for the infusion process. Their hand-pressed method is gentle and natural.

The base of all their products is created by simply combining the hemp plant with organic coconut oil under heat and pressure. This process infuses the cannabinoids with the lipids in coconut oil. 

This protects the cells and cannabinoids of the plant. So when their oil is observed underneath a microscope, the cell walls are completely intact. This means you can trust you'll get the most health benefits out of Synchronicity full-spectrum hemp oil.

If you’re looking for a natural solution to your health concerns, or want more information about if hemp oil is right for you, then book a consultation with us. We specialize in getting to the root cause of your issues and finding a natural way to restore your systems.


  1. Healthline: Hemp Oil for Skin

  2. Pubmed: The cardiac and haemostatic effects of dietary hempseed