The Difference in Benefits Between Full-Spectrum Hemp Oil, Hemp Seed Oil, and CBD Oil

How to choose between the different types of hemp oil products.

benefits of cbd oil

Are you looking for a natural way to increase your energy and well-being? Whether you're feeling tired and foggy or just a little off, hemp oil products can give you a boost in vitality.

That’s right, hemp products are a natural way to heal and boost your health. But there are so many different options to wade through. 

The phrases CBD oil, full-spectrum hemp oil, and hemp seed oil are sometimes used interchangeably – but they're not the same thing. They all offer distinct benefits and ingredients to consider before you buy. 

So, how can you know which type of hemp oil is right for you? Explore this comprehensive guide to the differences between hemp products. And which offers the most benefits for optimal health.

Full-Spectrum Hemp Oil vs. Hemp Seed Oil

There's been a lot of talk about CBD and hemp oil in the past few years. It seems like everyone is raving about it, and just about every health and wellness brand is jumping on the trend. But what actually is hemp oil? And where does it come from?

First off, full-spectrum hemp oil and hemp seed oil are different. The main difference between the two is what part of the hemp plant they're sourced from: (4)

  • Full-Spectrum Hemp Oil uses the flowers of a hemp plant, which is the most cannabinoid-rich component of the plant. Cannabinoids have a ton of health benefits and regulate almost every aspect of your health through your endocannabinoid system.

  • Hemp Seed Oil uses the seeds of a hemp plant, which does not contain cannabinoids, those magic nutrients that offer tons of health benefits.

Cannabinoids affect your endocannabinoid system whose job is to regulate your body's natural processes. Like hormone level, heart rate, pain, and sleep – to name a few.

Your endocannabinoids keep all these systems in balance and working together. It’s closely intertwined with your nervous system that protects you against threats that originate inside your body – like cancer cells and gene mutations. (5)

Cannabinoids have a positive effect on the endocannabinoid system. Which is key to optimal health and fighting off disease. In short, choose full-spectrum hemp oil over hemp seed oil to experience more health benefits.

3 Key Differences Between Full-Spectrum Hemp Oil and CBD Oil

Now that you understand the difference between full-spectrum hemp oil and hemp seed oil, let’s explore what makes full-spectrum hemp oil different from CBD. 

The three main differences between these two types of hemp products are:

  1. Plant Nutrients – Different oil types source different parts of the hemp plant. 

    1. CBD Oils: Isolate the CBD of the hemp plant without utilizing other nutrients.

    2. Full-Spectrum Hemp Oils: Uses the entire hemp plant, meaning you get those powerful cannabinoid nutrients!

  2. THC Level – THC is the component of oils that cause an intoxicating effect. 

    1. CBD Oils: Contain THC.

    2. Full-Spectrum Hemp Oils: Contain only .03% THC. This very low percentage means you likely won’t feel any intoxicating effects. Get all the benefits of relaxation, low stress, and well-being without feeling muddled.

  3. Extraction Process – The way the oil is extracted from the hemp plant has an effect on your health and the environment.

    1. CBD Oils: The process to create CBD oil is done by using a harsh CO2 extraction process that can harm the environment.

    2. Hemp Oil: Full-spectrum hemp oil is created by pressing whole hemp plants and infusing them with a carrier oil. This maintains all of the plant’s cannabinoid nutrients and adds a pleasant taste. (1)

Full-spectrum hemp oils are generally purer, and more potent than CBD. But due to their low percentage of THC, they likely don’t cause any intoxicating effects. So choosing between oils depends on your personal preference. (2)

There are differences between the benefits of CBD oil and full-spectrum hemp oil:

  • CBD oil is known to help with anxiety and pain, and some chronic conditions. But like we talked about, CBD oil only uses part of the hemp plant, which cuts out all the other nutrients from the rest of the plant!

  • Full-Spectrum Hemp Oil offers all of the health benefits of CBD oil and so much more. Hemp oil doesn’t just isolate the CBD in the plant. It uses the flower that contains cannabinoids that offer multiple health benefits – like heart and skin health.

Full-spectrum hemp oil is incredibly nutrient-dense and its benefits go far beyond what CBD oil offers. Let’s take a deeper look.

Full-Spectrum Hemp Oil Health Benefits

The cannabinoids in full-spectrum hemp oil offer many health benefits for specific conditions and overall vitality. When produced properly, full-spectrum hemp oil is basically an all-natural health elixir.

These are just 5 of the many health benefits of full-spectrum hemp oil:

  1. Pain Relief – Inflammation is usually the cause of chronic and area-specific pain. Full-spectrum hemp oil is proven to reduce the inflammation that causes or exacerbates pain. You can either consume the oil by mouth or even apply it to the painful area.

  2. Stress and Anxiety Management – Full-spectrum hemp oil instills a feeling of calmness. When you're having an anxious moment, it helps to level your emotions naturally.

  3. Sleep Aid – The feeling of calmness that full-spectrum hemp oil instills can also help you welcome in a quality night's sleep. Adding this oil to your nightly routine is a relaxing way to wind down and help your body get ready for bed.

  4. Skincare – Dry skin? Hemp oil can moisturize your skin without clogging your pores and causing unwanted acne. This gives your skin the hydration it needs and regulates your skin's oil production. So even though it may seem counterintuitive, full-spectrum hemp oil actually helps balance out oily skin. (1)

  5. Heart Health – Hemp contains a significant amount of an amino acid that can reduce blood pressure. Plus, reducing stress and anxiety also keeps your blood pressure from spiking on a consistent basis, which all leads to better heart health. 

The combination of these health benefits can lead to a more energized and present life. So even if you’re not struggling with a specific issue, full-spectrum hemp oil can help you unlock day-to-day vitality.

Because let’s face it – no matter who you are, life gets stressful. Having natural energy and stress management tools to get you through the tough days will ultimately help you live life to the fullest.

Which Brand of Full-Spectrum Hemp Oil Is the Best?

Now you know the benefits and differences between full-spectrum hemp oil, hemp seed oil, and CBD oil. But we want to make your life easier by also sharing our go-to and trusted hemp oil tincture brand.

After vetting countless products, we found that Synchronicity creates the most nutrient-dense, high-quality hemp oil. Their sustainable farming practices and commitment to quality make them stand out above the rest.

Plus, they're constantly evolving their tinctures to consistently deliver the best care possible.

And if you’re feeling off and want to improve your well-being, book a consultation with us at Denver Sports and Holistic Medicine. Together, we’ll determine the best natural healing methods for your path to optimal health.


  1. Healthline: What is the difference between hemp seed oil and CBD oil?

  2. Synchronicity: Full-Spectrum Hemp Oil vs. CBD Oil: Which Is Better?

  3. Pubmed:  An introduction to the endogenous cannabinoid system

  4. PR Newswire: The Difference Between Hemp Oil and Hemp SEED Oil and Why It Matters

  5. WebMD: Health Benefits of Hemp Seed Oil