Posts tagged herniated disc

For over 5 years I have suffered from lower back pain. I have tried chiropractic, massage therapy, pain management treatment (epidural blocks) and finally a laminectomy performed by a neurosurgeon. Some of these treatments provided short term relief of the pain. I have 2 herniated disks at L4-L5-S1.

After walking up Mount Vesuvius, my back pain increased to the point that I had difficulty walking or sitting. I attended Martina’s seminar and decided to give it a try. Nothing else seemed to work.

After 2 treatments, my back was vastly improved! I had 2 additional treatments and improved even more. I must admit that I was a skeptic, but Martina’s treatment has made a significant difference! Today we were in Athens. I walked at least 5 miles, went to the Acropolis, and feel fine at the end of the day.

Thanks Martina! I’ll continue treatment when I get home.


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I have been a convert! I never believed this ancient form of treatment would work on the illness and pain of today’s society. Well, I was proved wrong. My sciatica was completely gone after two sessions. And while I have had fusion work done on my upper discs by neurosurgeons, I had Martina work with her skill to relieve my sacral pain.

She is so professional and committed to her work. By having these qualities and dedication, she used all her training and skills to alleviate my lower back pain.

My muscles are eased and I am comfortable and able to stop my daily medication of Vicodin which is an extremely strong pain medication and opiate.

This treatment will come to an end but I am going to pursue finding an acupuncture center and prolong having addition surgery. I am convinced acupuncture will be recognized more as a valued form of medical care.

I can only recommend – give it a try and you too will be convinced of its curative benefit.

Many thanks!


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