Posts tagged inflammation

I came onboard with severe arthritis in both knees. As I’d had great pain in my left knee a feed weeks before I left, I did many things to improve this. Pain was mostly alleviated but I still walked with difficulty, my leg was stiff and I couldn’t bend my knee, I also wore a knee brace or compression bandage support. My doctor made sure I had many of supplies of anti- inflammatory and pain killers!

I was dubious at first to embark in a daily dose of acupuncture, but Martina and I quickly developed a close bond and I have to say that for most of the trip (18 days) I have not worn my knee support and found I didn’t need to take any drugs. The part I love the most is that I now don’t walk with a limp either! If I ever find that I am, it is very slight.

Thank you, Martina.


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For very many years I have suffered from pain and swelling in my lower legs, ankles and feet. This is as a result of having no left knee-cap and walking with a limp and as a result of other sporting and accidental injuries. This problem is exacerbated by walking any distance, travel and dealing with stairs and uneven ground.

Having tried many methods of reducing the pain and inflammation I was persuaded to try acupuncture and was very skeptical about the idea (Nothing else worked.).

Although by no means cured, having had a full course of treatment I did feel immediate benefits. I have generally found walking a little easier and less painful and on some occasions, I was pain-free.

Martina has been instrumental in inspiring me to continue to make changes which will hopefully, produce major benefits to my overall health which in turn, should ameliorate the specific lower leg problem too.


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Martina is very compassionate and talented in her art. She showed concern for each of my pains caused by inflammation and tight muscles. I am nearly pain free today at the end of the cruise.


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Because of the acupuncture I was able to get the pain relief I needed for my back so that I could enjoy my holiday. My back has been a lifetime problem and when the stresses on my back accumulate, such as long flights and excessive walking, I need professional therapy to reduce the inflammation and pain. I was very grateful that Martina could help me. She took excellent care of me.


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I came aboard the Ruby unable to put weight on my left foot. After seeing the ship doctor I found the problem to be planter fasciitis with inflammation of the ankle. He suggested ice, anti-inflammatory meds (Advil) and rest. He also gave me pads for my shoes which helped some. After attending a seminar at the spa on acupuncture, I decided to see Martina. After one appointment I was able to put weight on the foot and after the second treatment I was able to go ashore and walk quite a lot with very little discomfort. After the fourth treatment I had no pain and I’m no longer taking Advil. Martina was so good about explaining everything to me and I so appreciate how much she as helped me. I would highly recommend acupuncture to anyone with this condition.


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