Posts tagged injury

I there is an angel on board, her name is Martina. The first day of the cruise, my back went out and I was in a lot of pain. She helped me immediately. Within hours, I was pain free, which is a miracle for me. I saw her several more time to make sure I stayed pain-free. At the end of the cruise, I came down with a cold. She saw me immediately, in between other clients. Again, I felt better. Martina is kind, emphatic, competent and professional. She made it possible for me to get the most enjoyment out of the I cruise. I was able to go on excursion pain-free. If there were one person with whom I could hot have without on this cruise, it is Martina. I am so very grateful to her.


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I was accidentally injured prior to my cruise in an accidental fall that sprained my knee and misaligned my body.

I was in therapy for 4 weeks and decided to fly from GA to Seattle to catch my cruise against “my” adviser you know.

On my arrival aboard for 7-night Alaskan trip. I began to spasm in my left thigh and could barely walk. I went to see medical for relief and meet “Chipo” the massage therapist and she recommended go up to the SPA an get a consult on acupuncture. This was a life changer. I met Martina the acupuncturist, she set the needles and after I left the spasms disappeared 100%. I had 2 other treatments and needless to say.

God has healed me through acupuncture and the healing hands of Dr. Martina and massage therapist Chipo. My dearest gratitude!


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It was an eye-opening experience with acupuncture for me. I was introduced to alternative treatments for injury-related issues. I opted to try acupuncture and am very satisfied with the results to date. I will follow up with what was recommended in in the near futures. I felt more energy after the first couple of sessions and most of my pains were eliminated altogether. I strongly recommend acupuncture a try, especially if traditional remedies have fallen short or failed altogether. Relaxing. Invigorating. Rejuvenating!


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For very many years I have suffered from pain and swelling in my lower legs, ankles and feet. This is as a result of having no left knee-cap and walking with a limp and as a result of other sporting and accidental injuries. This problem is exacerbated by walking any distance, travel and dealing with stairs and uneven ground.

Having tried many methods of reducing the pain and inflammation I was persuaded to try acupuncture and was very skeptical about the idea (Nothing else worked.).

Although by no means cured, having had a full course of treatment I did feel immediate benefits. I have generally found walking a little easier and less painful and on some occasions, I was pain-free.

Martina has been instrumental in inspiring me to continue to make changes which will hopefully, produce major benefits to my overall health which in turn, should ameliorate the specific lower leg problem too.


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Problem #1: I injured my knee 5 months ago. Through PT sessions my knee was getting stronger. However, we took a bus to the pier. The bus had 5 really steep steps – I killed my knees. My husband had to help me get up out of my wheelchair and out of the bathroom. I could not manage the little step to get into the bathroom either.

After my first treatment, I could walk better. On treatment day 2, I walked to the spa. By day 3 the stiffness started going away temporarily. By day 5 the stiffness was mostly gone. Although I still have pain, mostly when getting up off chairs, it is vastly improved. I can easily climb the one step to the bathroom. I can get up from a chair on the first try. I still have pain – but nothing like I did when I came on board the ship.

Problem #2: I have neuropathy in both feet – a result of deformed feet since birth. After the first treatment I had slight tingling and the muscle cramps were not as severe. By the end of the cruise I realized that my foot muscles were very relaxed. I did not have muscle cramps from the third treatment on!

Problem 3: After a night on the ship rocking and rolling, I woke up dizzy. We went to the doctor’s office and got some seasick pills. They worked only a little. After a treatment for dizziness I had sea spots in my ears. I still had sporadic dizziness, but pushing on the spots stopped the spinning every time. Without the treatment I would have spent my final 2 days in bed!


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I sought Martina’s help for a non-serious injury.

After reading my history and realizing that I had multiple problems, she suggested some intensive therapy. Martina said it was an opportunity to make some breakthroughs. I was reluctant as my husband and I had not expected to make this financial outlay.

I agreed as I was stressed by my problem and not enjoying the cruise and also it was a strain for my husband.

I do not regret having intensive therapy as Martina has helped me and I feel a lot happier. Martina is professional and has a very endearing manner.


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Both my daughter and I received multiple acupuncture treatments from Martina. Here are our stories.

Both of us suffer from PTSD from the result of an abusive relationship from my ex-husband, her father.

When I came on board I was, at 39, taking 6 different meds for allergies, high blood pressure, severe stress-related TMJ, chronic back pain, and for a recent car accident injury. In spite of narcotic pain meds, I was in constant pain.

After the first acupuncture treatment, I was able to stop taking the heavy pain medicine. Upon the subsequent treatments, my overall physical well being increased significantly. I am very happy with my experience, as prior chiropractic NeuroSoma massage, physical therapy and pain meds treatment never really alleviated my pain.

My daughter, who’s 14, struggles from significant socio-emotional issues. She was molested by her father repeatedly, but has a very difficult time verbally expressing herself regarding everything she’s been through.

Through her acupuncture treatments, which initially leave her sad, angry, exhausted and deeply disturbed, she was able to release a lot of the pent-up and repressed negative energy that’s been trapped in her physiologically since the abuse happened. She has since then become much more verbally expressive, even more age appropriately rebellious/assertive and more social.

After my experiences with Martina and acupuncture, I am a firm believer in the treatment and believe that it is well worth the financial investment.


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On June 21, 2009, I was in a car accident which caused me to suffer from muscle injury in my lower back. After the accident, I was on pain medication for several weeks, which caused drowsiness and several other side effects. At the end of August, I started a series of physical therapy treatments, which appeared to ease the pain somewhat but if I sat down for a long time my back became stiff and painful.

During my cruise on the Ruby Princess I decided to try the acupuncture treatment offered by Dr. Martina. I had several treatments for the back pain. After two treatments the pain stopped. Additionally, during the cruise I developed a pain in my neck and a stiff neck from sleeping on a high pillow. After one treatment of acupuncture for this condition the pain stopped and the stiffness went away.

Thanks to Dr. Martina Sturm and her acupuncture treatments today I am pain free.


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I came to see Martina with acute difficulty swallowing. Also, during the bus tours on the cruise my neck which was severely injured in a series of MVA’s became reinjured.

I found her diagnostic skills to be excellent!

The effectiveness of her treatments in acupuncture and massage astounded me!

I have seen many doctors; neurosurgeons, physiotherapists naturopaths, chiropractors to find healing. She is the best I’ve seen. In 11 treatments I feel almost no ill effects from my injuries.

Thank you, Martina!


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Dr. Sturm’s expertise helped me through the second half of my trip. In Monte Carlo, I slipped and it further injured my right leg. Problems! Dr. Sturm helped me feel better and eased the pain in my right leg. In fact, her direction for my life path was truly appreciated.

She is a credit to her dedicated craft! She is on a great path in her area of expertise! Thank you Doc!


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My husband and I are in our 60’s and had never tried acupuncture before, though our regular physicians are very supportive of alternative methods of treating different conditions. The bottom line to my story is that I am glad we both tried it and I feel it was a successful experiment.

I have suffered 2 strokes and have had some neck pain and stiffness for the 10 years since my last stroke. Dr. Martina listened to me when I said I would like to stop taking some of my prescription drugs. I know there are negatives for taking so many drugs long term. Dr. Martina suggested 7 sessions of acupuncture along with massage and some of the Elemis topical products. I can honestly say I’ve noticed considerably less dizziness and less arthritic pain. During this sailing I injured my knee somehow and Dr. Martina immediately and aggressively began to treat this also.

We are convinced acupuncture is a help to us and will continue treatment at home.

If you try acupuncture, you must realize it is a process and not always an instant cure.


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