Posts tagged neuropathy

Whilst the tingling in my hands and feet have eased at times the main improvement has been to my right leg. Over the recent years it has got thinner and less mobile and my balance was not so good. I had to be careful how I walked to avoid tripping up. My Doctor said that it was unlikely that they could cure it and that I would have to live with it. Since the acupuncture sessions I have seen a vast improvement in my right leg! I can walk OK without the fear of tripping and can even jog and run, something I avoided previously. Walking or jogging up and down stairs landing on my right leg is not a problem and the occasional limp I had seems to have disappeared. It is my intention to continue with this in the UK and discuss ways forward with my doctor.


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I inquired about acupuncture on my cruise because my legs, ankles and feet were swollen and numb from extensive flying to get to my cruise, and I’m diabetic.

I found out that through My Blue Wellness Training with Blue Cross insurance that acupuncture helps with diabetes.

This acupuncture I have taken on my cruise has really helped and I’m feeling improved movement and feeling in my feet and toes.

I will continue acupuncture when I get home.


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I began several months ago looking into pain relief for neuropathy as my foot pain continued to increase and have seen my G.P., endocrinologist, and neurologist. My prescribed medicines were not helping and my doctor’s tried to help, usually by increasing the medication concentration. I looked into acupuncture, and after attending a seminar on the Regal by Martina S., I signed up for treatment. I attended acupuncture consultation and after the third treatment my foot pain, especially at night time, had reduced significantly. By my 5th session my feet were at a very tolerable level and I actually stopped my prescribed medication for pain. I plan on continuing acupuncture as a method to reduce my foot pains. The Regal, the spa, and the schedule set-up for me by Martina, allowed easy access to acupuncture treatments, something that at home may have taken weeks to accomplish. Thank you! My pain as decreased by over 80%.


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Approximately 2 years ago I had suddenly, when after bending down to take off my tennis shoes after a workout, I heard a crack and couldn’t move my lower back was in such pain. Since that day I’m in consistent pain trying everything from cortisone shots, Rhizotomy, etc. I’m an extremely active person. I’ve done ironman triathlons for the past 10 years. Anyone with the experience of pain (chronic) knows the results from being so active to not being able to do what they want to do, not only physically but emotionally leads to a depression and frustration. I decided to do acupuncture as a last result. Since being on vacation my body would react better being in a much more relaxed state. Martina is very knowledgeable and upfront – Honestly I would not have had the treatment if it was not for her.

I would not have trusted anyone else. I decided while having the 12 treatments I would visualize the pain leaving my body. Although honestly as far as my pain it has not subsided, the numbness and the weakness in my right leg has definitely subsided. I know it did not take overnight for my back to get to the point which it did from all the years of being an athlete the wear and tear broken down it will take a while to repair. I believe it will someday be pain free. I will continue doing acupuncture which if it was not for Martina I would not ever even think I would do. We only have one body and one life there is not a cost that can compare to what it is to imagine a pain free life. I look forward to thank you, Martina. You’re amazing.


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Problem #1: I injured my knee 5 months ago. Through PT sessions my knee was getting stronger. However, we took a bus to the pier. The bus had 5 really steep steps – I killed my knees. My husband had to help me get up out of my wheelchair and out of the bathroom. I could not manage the little step to get into the bathroom either.

After my first treatment, I could walk better. On treatment day 2, I walked to the spa. By day 3 the stiffness started going away temporarily. By day 5 the stiffness was mostly gone. Although I still have pain, mostly when getting up off chairs, it is vastly improved. I can easily climb the one step to the bathroom. I can get up from a chair on the first try. I still have pain – but nothing like I did when I came on board the ship.

Problem #2: I have neuropathy in both feet – a result of deformed feet since birth. After the first treatment I had slight tingling and the muscle cramps were not as severe. By the end of the cruise I realized that my foot muscles were very relaxed. I did not have muscle cramps from the third treatment on!

Problem 3: After a night on the ship rocking and rolling, I woke up dizzy. We went to the doctor’s office and got some seasick pills. They worked only a little. After a treatment for dizziness I had sea spots in my ears. I still had sporadic dizziness, but pushing on the spots stopped the spinning every time. Without the treatment I would have spent my final 2 days in bed!


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I have suffered from migraine headaches since age 10. I am not really a fan of needles; so kept my distance from acupuncture. This trip offered a “give it a try” plan and I figured, “What the heck…” Others, I know, have had success with acupuncture.

I suffer from symptoms nearly every day. These range from flashing light auras to stroke-like numbness and tingling. My biggest fear is not realizing a stroke before it is too late. While I did not go the entire trip without a migraine, I only had two days of the seven. For me, that is a huge improvement!

During my sessions I experienced symptoms of another ailment and the treatment, modified for this new issue, garnered results in less than 4 hours. This made me a believer.

I am grateful I took this chance. I plan on continuing when I return home.

Thank you very much.


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About 3-4 months ago I noticed a distinct lack of control over both my left foot and arm. I was limping and scuffing my shoe with every step, and I had a marked lack of dexterity in my hand. I couldn’t even button my jeans, let alone type. I kept thinking it would improve if I worked my way through it and of course it hadn’t. I had even resorted to ankle braces as I was literally walking on my inside ankles, and for a girl who always wears heels, this “wasn’t happening”. Yet I kept delaying going to the doctor.

On Embarkation Day, while unpacking, I noticed the Lotus Spa services offered acupuncture. I have never had, nor known anyone who has ever had acupuncture done. But I thought since I was taking my Mom up to the Spa for a wash and set on formal day, I would check into it. Needless to say, I tried it and Dr. Sturm scheduled me to do a session a day, working around my shore excursions, et al. I noticed an improvement each day, and by the next formal night (Friday) I was able to dance several dances with my husband! I am THRILLED! I have one more session this afternoon and in only one week I have gone from limping with every step, to speeding up and down the halls getting from one end of the ship to the other!

Thank you Martina!


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As an avid runner I have developed shin splints that cause my feet to go numb after running. I had tried icing, resting, stretching, medicine and nothing worked. I was very skeptical about acupuncture because I am very afraid of needles. Martina, my acupuncturist was very patient and helped me through my fear.

After just one treatment I was able to run 10km without my feel falling asleep! The tightness in my shins is still there, but I am confident after more treatments this will be reduced as well.

Thank you Martina!


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I was having trouble with face and arm numbness – intermittently. I was also anxious about my health because my problem is as of yet undiagnosed; so anxious that I was having panic attacks. Now my numbness is occurring less frequently and is shorter in duration. I’m substantially less anxious. I feel better than I have in months since my problems first started. My digestion has also improved – less constipated – and I’m warmer. I’ve learned much about oriental medicine and can see that it works. I hope to continue learning and hope to find a doctor near home that is as knowledgeable and friendly and eager to help as the doctor on board.


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