About 3-4 months ago I noticed a distinct lack of control over both my left foot and arm.  I was limping and scuffing my shoe with every step, and I had a marked lack of dexterity in my hand.  I couldn’t even button my jeans, let alone type.  I kept thinking it would improve if I worked my way through it and of course it hadn’t.  I had even resorted to ankle braces as I was literally walking on my inside ankles, and for a girl who always wears heels, this “wasn’t happening”.  Yet I kept delaying going to the doctor.

On Embarkation Day, while unpacking, I noticed the Lotus Spa services offered acupuncture.  I have never had, nor known anyone who has ever had acupuncture done.  But I thought since I was taking my Mom up to the Spa for a wash and set on formal day, I would check into it.  Needless to say, I tried it and Dr. Sturm scheduled me to do a session a day, working around my shore excursions, et al.   I noticed an improvement each day, and by the next formal night (Friday) I was able to dance several dances with my husband!  I am THRILLED!  I have one more session this afternoon and in only one week I have gone from limping with every step, to speeding up and down the halls getting from one end of the ship to the other!

Thank you Martina!
