I have suffered from migraine headaches since age 10.  I am not really a fan of needles; so kept my distance from acupuncture.  This trip offered a “give it a try” plan and I figured, “What the heck…”  Others, I know, have had success with acupuncture.

I suffer from symptoms nearly every day.  These range from flashing light auras to stroke-like numbness and tingling.  My biggest fear is not realizing a stroke before it is too late.  While I did not go the entire trip without a migraine, I only had two days of the seven.  For me, that is a huge improvement!

During my sessions I experienced symptoms of another ailment and the treatment, modified for this new issue, garnered results in less than 4 hours.  This made me a believer.

I am grateful I took this chance.  I plan on continuing when I return home.

Thank you very much.
