How to Prevent Aging Naturally: 6 Benefits of NAD+ Injections

Prevent signs and symptoms of aging like low energy, brain fog, and wrinkles.

anti-aging with NAD+ injections

You love all the lifestyle aspects of middle adulthood. Your career is stable, you have more time for your hobbies, and you enjoy time with your beautiful family.

But recently, you’ve started to notice a few pesky signs and symptoms of aging. Like less energy, brain fog, and wrinkles. So you want to prevent them from getting any more noticeable before they get worse.

NAD+ injections are an effective way to prevent the signs and symptoms of aging naturally. 

How? NAD+ is crucial to hundreds of metabolic processes in your body. But as you age, your NAD+ levels decrease. Increasing these levels with NAD+ injections can improve your skin, energy, and mental function. They even improve aging skin.

NAD+ injections are the key to preventing aging naturally. So you can enjoy life to the fullest, even as you get older. 

Preventing Aging Naturally

You’ve worked hard to get to a stable place in your career that allows you to spend time with your family and on yourself. And you're excited about this phase of your life. 

But you've started to experience the signs of health problems that come with aging. You know that if left unchecked, these will get in the way of enjoying your life as you get older. So you want to slow them in their tracks.

These are a few signs and symptoms of aging you may be starting to experience:

You don't have to accept aches and pains, poor sleep, fatigue, and brain fog as part of getting older. NAD+ injections are a natural way to prevent these signs and symptoms of aging. 

NAD+ injections support your body’s innate processes that are key to your vitality and well-being. They can restore your body’s healing ability, youthful energy, and mental clarity. And even extend your life’s longevity.

What Are NAD+ Injections?

NAD+ is one of your body’s most important molecules. It’s in every cell of your body. So it’s critical to hundreds of metabolic processes that affect your energy, healing response, skin elasticity, and mental clarity. (2)

These are just a few of the key functions NAD+ is crucial for:

  • Energy Production – converting food into energy

  • Brain Health – producing healthy brain tissues and neurons

  • DNA Repair – increasing longevity and overall health

  • Blood Vessel Rejuvenation – helping your body heal from injury

Yep, it does all that. 

But as you age, your NAD+ levels decrease. In fact, by the time you’re 50, your NAD+ levels will likely be half what they were at age 20. No wonder you’re starting to feel the effects!

Your decrease in NAD+ levels is likely why you’re starting to see initial signs and symptoms of aging, like being tired and foggy, more prone to injury and slower to heal. Increasing your body’s supply of NAD+ is crucial to preventing these conditions. So, how can you do that?

Your body needs so much of it, that it would be near-impossible to consume all the NAD+ you need through food. So increasing your levels isn’t as simple as changing your diet alone. 

NAD+ injections are a simple, proven way to increase your NAD+ levels safely.

Increasing your NAD+ levels with injections is a natural way to improve energy, mental clarity, and even your skin. Plus, it helps repair damage to your DNA, which is crucial to longevity.

NAD+ Injection Benefits

NAD+ is crucial to almost every body function. And as you age, your immune system needs all the support it can get.

Increasing your NAD+ levels is key to longevity and preventing the signs and symptoms of aging. Plus, it can improve your overall mood and vitality. So you can feel like your best self as you get older.

These are just a few benefits of NAD+ injections:

Increased Energy

NAD+ is critical for your cell’s ability to convert food into energy. If you already eat well but still struggle with low energy, low NAD+ levels could be the problem. Increasing those levels can give your cells the boost they need to get the nutrients out of your food.

Improved Sleep

Your natural circadian rhythm – your body’s sleep and wake cycle – uses NAD+ to regulate itself. Increasing these levels can help you get the quality of sleep needed for your body to function. Plus, it’s another way to increase your energy.

More Mental Clarity

Does your brain ever feel foggy? Like when you sit down to finally get some reading done but suddenly you can't focus. NAD+ injections increase your neuron function and protect your brain cells from damage. So you can feel mentally focused and finally finish that book. (1)

Boost in Metabolism

NAD+ is crucial to so many functions on a cellular level. Increasing your supply can support your immune system by maintaining those functions. This keeps you healthy overall.

Decrease in Wrinkles

NAD+ can dramatically increase healthier skin cells and muscle tissue. This improves your skin's elasticity which, in turn, decreases wrinkles. We also offer acupuncture as a safe, effective, and natural alternative to botox.

Reduced Pain

NAD+ is vital to the regeneration of blood vessels, which is key to healing from injuries and pain. NAD+ injections help blood vessels heal and regenerate faster and more effectively.

NAD+ is critical in maintaining your energy,  mental clarity – and even your overall mood. Boosting your levels with NAD+ injections can improve all these elements. So you can prevent the signs and symptoms of aging you're starting to notice.

Although side effects from NAD+ injections are rare, these are sometimes reported. These may include temporary headache, shortness of breath, or constipation.

None of the reported side effects from NAD+ are life-threatening. And the potential benefits to your overall health outweigh the potential risk! If you’re on the fence, request a free consultation with Denver Sports and Holistic Medicine today. We’ll answer all of your questions and help determine if NAD+ injections are right for you.

The Key to Preventing Aging Naturally

There's so much to look forward to in your next phase of life. Whether you're anticipating retirement or reaching a top level at work. 

But once you reached middle adulthood, you started noticing a few declines in health that come with aging. Like a decrease in your energy and vitality. Prevent these signs and symptoms of aging so you can thrive even as you get older. 

NAD+ injections are an effective, natural way to boost your energy, immune system, and mental function.

Give your body the boost in NAD+ it needs so you can fully enjoy your life. These superhero cells can prevent aspects of aging and increase your longevity.

If you’re interested in NAD+ injections, request a consultation with Denver Sports and Holistic Medicine today. We’ll develop a holistic treatment plan designed to help you prevent aging naturally and improve your overall health. This may include NAD+ injections and other injection therapy, acupuncture, and a nutrition and lifestyle plan.


  1. Pubmed: NAD + in Brain Aging and Neurodegenerative Disorders

  2. Pubmed: NAD+ therapy in age-related degenerative disorders: A benefit/risk analysis