Problem #1:  I injured my knee 5 months ago.  Through PT sessions my knee was getting stronger.  However, we took a bus to the pier.  The bus had 5 really steep steps – I killed my knees.  My husband had to help me get up out of my wheelchair and out of the bathroom.  I could not manage the little step to get into the bathroom either.  

After my first treatment, I could walk better.  On treatment day 2, I walked to the spa.  By day 3 the stiffness started going away temporarily.  By day 5 the stiffness was mostly gone.  Although I still have pain, mostly when getting up off chairs, it is vastly improved.  I can easily climb the one step to the bathroom.  I can get up from a chair on the first try.  I still have pain – but nothing like I did when I came on board the ship.

Problem #2:  I have neuropathy in both feet – a result of deformed feet since birth.  After the first treatment I had slight tingling and the muscle cramps were not as severe.  By the end of the cruise I realized that my foot muscles were very relaxed.  I did not have muscle cramps from the third treatment on!

Problem 3:  After a night on the ship rocking and rolling, I woke up dizzy.  We went to the doctor’s office and got some seasick pills.  They worked only a little.  After a treatment for dizziness I had sea spots in my ears.  I still had sporadic dizziness, but pushing on the spots stopped the spinning every time.  Without the treatment I would have spent my final 2 days in bed!
