Posts tagged motion sickness

I scheduled my first session with Martina Sturm on day 2 of my 5-day cruise. It was my first cruise and the longest time. I would be away from 2 young boys. I could not sleep the night before due to stress, anxiety, and sea sickness. Martina immediately treated me within my first back to back sessions. I felt so relaxed and anxiety free the same day! I continued to see Martina each day. I was able to relax during each session by taking a nap.

I have noticed and improvement with my anxiety in general. I have also had no sea sickness since my first session! I was able to enjoy my entire trip thanks to Martina.

I highly recommend acupuncture as an improvement in quality of life and well-being. I look forward to continuing treatment with acupuncture when I return home.


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Martina has been great to work with. I started out doing acupuncture for weight loss. Within a couple of days, I was developing sea sickness, which she treated me for. My nausea went away almost immediately. I was trying to use the stairs more and re-injured and old knee problem. It happened right before my weight loss treatment, so Martina treated my right knee and it worked immediately too. I could even wear heels for formal night and pictures! I will know more about the weight loss after I start taking the herbs, etc. which are being sent to me when I get home.


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Life changing event. After a lifetime of suffering from motion sickness, I decided to try the acupuncture the first day before we set sail.

On this 7-day cruise – I have:

Rode in the back seat of a bus a train, a small boat, river float and of course the cruise ship, all without “patches” or drugs.

I highly recommend treatment – You will not regret it!


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I have suffered from motion sickness all my life. Decided to try acupuncture on this cruise since I was having more sickness than normal. I wish I would have done this before. It really worked and allowed me to enjoy the rest of my cruise. Well worth the time and money. Suggest you do it the first day out and have a good time!


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I really appreciate what wonderful care given to me by Dr. Sturm. If I was late or early for an appointment she always accommodated me. I have terrible motion sickness and she provided an effective treatment even through the Straits of Magellan. I am deeply grateful that she could help me with my often debilitating tendinitis in my thumbs. I really will be returning home feeling like new!


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I believe in the value of acupuncture and Martina is A-1 in her field. That being said, when I went in complaining of seasickness, Martina said OK let’s fix that – and 30 minutes later I felt good as new. I was amazed at how quickly and efficiently her acupuncture treatment worked. I felt great the rest of the cruise!


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Problem #1: I injured my knee 5 months ago. Through PT sessions my knee was getting stronger. However, we took a bus to the pier. The bus had 5 really steep steps – I killed my knees. My husband had to help me get up out of my wheelchair and out of the bathroom. I could not manage the little step to get into the bathroom either.

After my first treatment, I could walk better. On treatment day 2, I walked to the spa. By day 3 the stiffness started going away temporarily. By day 5 the stiffness was mostly gone. Although I still have pain, mostly when getting up off chairs, it is vastly improved. I can easily climb the one step to the bathroom. I can get up from a chair on the first try. I still have pain – but nothing like I did when I came on board the ship.

Problem #2: I have neuropathy in both feet – a result of deformed feet since birth. After the first treatment I had slight tingling and the muscle cramps were not as severe. By the end of the cruise I realized that my foot muscles were very relaxed. I did not have muscle cramps from the third treatment on!

Problem 3: After a night on the ship rocking and rolling, I woke up dizzy. We went to the doctor’s office and got some seasick pills. They worked only a little. After a treatment for dizziness I had sea spots in my ears. I still had sporadic dizziness, but pushing on the spots stopped the spinning every time. Without the treatment I would have spent my final 2 days in bed!


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Antoinette, beauty therapist, introduced me to acupuncture. I then went to the seminar. It was passionate so disregarding traditional medicine in which I have been involved. I thought I would like to try as our GPs (some of them) no longer have the same caring, interest or “finances” in today’s national health system.

I began with a consultation identifying my main symptoms as stress and anxiety.

- First of all my sea sickness stopped after 2/7

- My headaches have improved over several days

- My sleeping pattern is much better

- I feel more relaxed and less anxious

I hope this stays with me in “the outside world”

Martina, thank you. It was hard for me but I so appreciated you, your skill, explanation and successful treatment so far.


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