Posts tagged allergies

Both my daughter and I received multiple acupuncture treatments from Martina. Here are our stories.

Both of us suffer from PTSD from the result of an abusive relationship from my ex-husband, her father.

When I came on board I was, at 39, taking 6 different meds for allergies, high blood pressure, severe stress-related TMJ, chronic back pain, and for a recent car accident injury. In spite of narcotic pain meds, I was in constant pain.

After the first acupuncture treatment, I was able to stop taking the heavy pain medicine. Upon the subsequent treatments, my overall physical well being increased significantly. I am very happy with my experience, as prior chiropractic NeuroSoma massage, physical therapy and pain meds treatment never really alleviated my pain.

My daughter, who’s 14, struggles from significant socio-emotional issues. She was molested by her father repeatedly, but has a very difficult time verbally expressing herself regarding everything she’s been through.

Through her acupuncture treatments, which initially leave her sad, angry, exhausted and deeply disturbed, she was able to release a lot of the pent-up and repressed negative energy that’s been trapped in her physiologically since the abuse happened. She has since then become much more verbally expressive, even more age appropriately rebellious/assertive and more social.

After my experiences with Martina and acupuncture, I am a firm believer in the treatment and believe that it is well worth the financial investment.


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