Posts tagged ptsd

My acupuncture treatments have healed me to feel better mentally, emotionally, and physically, Years of emotional abuse and trauma built up toxins and anxieties in my body. I’ve worked for years to improve and feel acupuncture has opened a new pathway for me. I can now use this knowledge to face the remainder of my years with joy and peace.


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Both my daughter and I received multiple acupuncture treatments from Martina. Here are our stories.

Both of us suffer from PTSD from the result of an abusive relationship from my ex-husband, her father.

When I came on board I was, at 39, taking 6 different meds for allergies, high blood pressure, severe stress-related TMJ, chronic back pain, and for a recent car accident injury. In spite of narcotic pain meds, I was in constant pain.

After the first acupuncture treatment, I was able to stop taking the heavy pain medicine. Upon the subsequent treatments, my overall physical well being increased significantly. I am very happy with my experience, as prior chiropractic NeuroSoma massage, physical therapy and pain meds treatment never really alleviated my pain.

My daughter, who’s 14, struggles from significant socio-emotional issues. She was molested by her father repeatedly, but has a very difficult time verbally expressing herself regarding everything she’s been through.

Through her acupuncture treatments, which initially leave her sad, angry, exhausted and deeply disturbed, she was able to release a lot of the pent-up and repressed negative energy that’s been trapped in her physiologically since the abuse happened. She has since then become much more verbally expressive, even more age appropriately rebellious/assertive and more social.

After my experiences with Martina and acupuncture, I am a firm believer in the treatment and believe that it is well worth the financial investment.


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