Posts tagged fatigue

We came on board with no intention of seeing an acupuncturist but were guided to her by other crew members by chance.

I have prostate cancer and all the medication leads to lots of side effects, dry skin, hair loss, fatigue, hot flashes and frequent urination, especially at night.

A few painless treatments and I feel so much better. Skin is better, more energy, hot flashes cut by 70% and a lot less trips to the bathroom. Too early to tell for the hair loss. Great results.

That aside, she is a super nice lady, easy to talk to. She actually cares about you and wants to get you well

Miss you already!


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Appreciate the great care I received during my acupuncture treatments for fatigue/energy issues and thanks to her – she was a big part of me surviving this cruise hiking marathon! Thank you so much!


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As a cancer survivor, one only wants to live healthy. Western medicine saved my life, yet Eastern medicines have saved so many, I decided to try it again. Dr. Martina is very professional, fully knowledgeable and explained clearly all questions I had. It is a difficult topic, yet the idea was clear. I had the acupuncture treatment, and I have to say I felt less stressed and more relaxed, had more energy, stamina and improved my mood.

I would suggest to dedicate more time to explain how acupuncture works, why were the needles placed in so may different places, when in different areas throughout the treatment, etc. - just more time and info to read (pre-work). So, the experience was extremely worthy, the ship and facilities were great and Dr. Martina is smart, lovely and beautiful.


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