Posts tagged stress

I scheduled my first session with Martina Sturm on day 2 of my 5-day cruise. It was my first cruise and the longest time. I would be away from 2 young boys. I could not sleep the night before due to stress, anxiety, and sea sickness. Martina immediately treated me within my first back to back sessions. I felt so relaxed and anxiety free the same day! I continued to see Martina each day. I was able to relax during each session by taking a nap.

I have noticed and improvement with my anxiety in general. I have also had no sea sickness since my first session! I was able to enjoy my entire trip thanks to Martina.

I highly recommend acupuncture as an improvement in quality of life and well-being. I look forward to continuing treatment with acupuncture when I return home.


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The light at the end of the tunnel was slowly fading for me with my physical ailments and mental challenges and stress. Dr. Martina came highly recommended for her success in acupuncture and Chinese herbal healing. She is amazing! I had her 10-day treatment and the results have been incredible. I have much more energy and no aches and pains! This in turn has given me a new lease on life. Literally making my body function normal again. I feel full of life and vitality. I am truly “coming back new”.

Thank you, Dr. Martina!


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Anxiety, over thinking situations and constant worry and panic attacks have resulted in many stress symptoms in my life. I found falling asleep a long process and wake constantly after only a few hours of sleep. The onset of psychosomatic health problems brought me to explore acupuncture in place of more traditional medication.

After a full course of treatment (16 sessions) I do feel more relaxed and sleep patterns have improved a great deal. I admit I was very skeptical about the lasting effectiveness of the treatment but feel confident that the forward stride taken over the two weeks of the cruise should be maintained. Martina encouraged me to continue with the sessions when the emotions brought to the surface by the acupuncture became overwhelming and I thought I would have to give up.


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My wife and I took this trip because we were both under tremendous stress with home life. We tried treatments with Martina and were a little skeptical because it’s something new to me, but after just a few visits was amazed with results. I didn’t realize a lot of my aches and pains were due to the stress in my life. Now we’re at the end of our vacation and I feel wonderful.

Now I’m a believer. Thanks Martina!


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She is the kindest, sweetest, caring person we have met on any of our cruises. She made us very comfortable and helped us relax from our stressful life. She has encouraged us to change our eating habits and lifestyle to more natural additives which we are comfortable and will continue.


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As a cancer survivor, one only wants to live healthy. Western medicine saved my life, yet Eastern medicines have saved so many, I decided to try it again. Dr. Martina is very professional, fully knowledgeable and explained clearly all questions I had. It is a difficult topic, yet the idea was clear. I had the acupuncture treatment, and I have to say I felt less stressed and more relaxed, had more energy, stamina and improved my mood.

I would suggest to dedicate more time to explain how acupuncture works, why were the needles placed in so may different places, when in different areas throughout the treatment, etc. - just more time and info to read (pre-work). So, the experience was extremely worthy, the ship and facilities were great and Dr. Martina is smart, lovely and beautiful.


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I was overworked and under-excercised. My stress load resulted in the classic symptoms – irritability, inability to sleep, poor concentration, digestion problems, headaches, sore lower back and aching muscles.

Dr. Martina quickly diagnosed the problem and established a series of treatments and lotions. The results were quickly felt and I instantly started to sleep and rest better. I felt better as the cruise went on and was able to enjoy it immensely.

By the end of the cruise, I felt rejuvenated and recharged. I will now be able to better take on life’s challenges and I will be better able to meet my personal goals.

Dr. Martina explained every step of the process so that I was comfortable (I had never had acupuncture before). With all of the discussions, I am now in a position to carry on the rebuilding process that Dr. Martina started.

I would highly recommend Dr. Martina.


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Antoinette, beauty therapist, introduced me to acupuncture. I then went to the seminar. It was passionate so disregarding traditional medicine in which I have been involved. I thought I would like to try as our GPs (some of them) no longer have the same caring, interest or “finances” in today’s national health system.

I began with a consultation identifying my main symptoms as stress and anxiety.

- First of all my sea sickness stopped after 2/7

- My headaches have improved over several days

- My sleeping pattern is much better

- I feel more relaxed and less anxious

I hope this stays with me in “the outside world”

Martina, thank you. It was hard for me but I so appreciated you, your skill, explanation and successful treatment so far.


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