Posts tagged energy

It was an eye-opening experience with acupuncture for me. I was introduced to alternative treatments for injury-related issues. I opted to try acupuncture and am very satisfied with the results to date. I will follow up with what was recommended in in the near futures. I felt more energy after the first couple of sessions and most of my pains were eliminated altogether. I strongly recommend acupuncture a try, especially if traditional remedies have fallen short or failed altogether. Relaxing. Invigorating. Rejuvenating!


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The light at the end of the tunnel was slowly fading for me with my physical ailments and mental challenges and stress. Dr. Martina came highly recommended for her success in acupuncture and Chinese herbal healing. She is amazing! I had her 10-day treatment and the results have been incredible. I have much more energy and no aches and pains! This in turn has given me a new lease on life. Literally making my body function normal again. I feel full of life and vitality. I am truly “coming back new”.

Thank you, Dr. Martina!


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Appreciate the great care I received during my acupuncture treatments for fatigue/energy issues and thanks to her – she was a big part of me surviving this cruise hiking marathon! Thank you so much!


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I came to acupuncture with many ailments. Just to mention a few: sciatica, arthritis, stress, anxiety, headaches. With so much to work with I did not expect miracles but I did notice I had more energy. One session I came in with a headache and when I left it was gone. I’ve also noticed that I can walk farther before the pain gets unbearable. For me that is a big plus. My anxiety seems to have improved also. I feel more at peace. I have made some internal changes so I am more comfortable than I was. I am so thankful for such a great experience.


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I have had several treatments. Before my treatments I was easily worn out. I had sciatic pain and pain in my heels. Yet after the treatments I have more energy and I went dancing after my 6th treatment. I went dancing and I wore out a lady young enough to be my daughter. I danced until after midnight. At home I’m usually ready for bed around 9pm (my time zone is the same as the ships).

I would recommend acupuncture to anyone with aches and pains. I feel so much better.


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I have taken many cruises before and have gotten rest, or so I thought, but the stress, aches soon returned.

On this trip I decided to try acupuncture to relieve the pain in my back and down my leg. I had never tried this procedure before and did not really know what to expect.

After the first treatment I was amazed that the pain, after my back surgery, had diminished, I rested MUCH better and had more energy. Not only that, my appetite has been curbed. I might have LOST weight on this cruise!! My eating habits have changed - I no longer crave sweets – mostly fruits and veggies.

I now believe in natural treatment of acupuncture. This procedure has no side effects to treating ailments unlike prescription drugs.

I have smiled and laughed more on this trip than ever before. I feel confident that I can deal with things back home and hope to continue treatments there.

Thanks Martina, for taking us under your wing and educating us!


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As a cancer survivor, one only wants to live healthy. Western medicine saved my life, yet Eastern medicines have saved so many, I decided to try it again. Dr. Martina is very professional, fully knowledgeable and explained clearly all questions I had. It is a difficult topic, yet the idea was clear. I had the acupuncture treatment, and I have to say I felt less stressed and more relaxed, had more energy, stamina and improved my mood.

I would suggest to dedicate more time to explain how acupuncture works, why were the needles placed in so may different places, when in different areas throughout the treatment, etc. - just more time and info to read (pre-work). So, the experience was extremely worthy, the ship and facilities were great and Dr. Martina is smart, lovely and beautiful.


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We are both avid runners as well as work out at the gym several times a week. We also stay very active; including biking, hiking and walking. As we have aged we have noticed our bodies becoming more sore, stiff and susceptible to numerous little injuries. During the past year we experienced many physical set backs that interfered with our workout routine and made our physical activities more difficult and less enjoyable. While on the Ruby Princess for a two week Mediterranean cruise, Martina presented us with an opportunity to try acupuncture as a potential answer to our physical problems. Although we were extremely skeptical, we typically are open-minded and adventurous couple and decided to try it. The initial investment in money and time seemed initially high, but we decided to give it a try. We were extremely pleased and surprised at the results. Not only did the treatments significantly improve our flexibility and alleviate our muscle soreness, we also seemed to have more energy and generally felt more positive and strong – it made us feel 10 years younger in one week. We plan to continue acupuncture and herbal treatments and incorporate it with our lifestyle.

-Charles & Lynda

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