Posts tagged migraines

I have suffered with migraines for a few years. They tend to last three days per occurrence. My husband suggested trying acupuncture while on our cruise, I thought about it and gave it a try. I started with one appointment to see what it was about and if it was something that could help. I do not like taking drugs to treat my condition as it was worth a shot. After the third treatment I felt a lot better and was very excited about the results. Being new to acupuncture it was critical to schedule multiple appointments to see results quickly. I am very pleased with the results and will continue treatment when I go home.


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Dr. Martina Sturm acupuncturist treated me for migraines which I have had for over 50 years. She has been very thorough and developed a complete package for me over the course of my cruise. I found her to be excellent in all aspects of the treatment and she took great care to work with me to help rid me of my migraines. I haven’t had one whilst on board and am very hopeful that this will continue when I get home or over the next few weeks or months.


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I have suffered from migraine headaches since age 10. I am not really a fan of needles; so kept my distance from acupuncture. This trip offered a “give it a try” plan and I figured, “What the heck…” Others, I know, have had success with acupuncture.

I suffer from symptoms nearly every day. These range from flashing light auras to stroke-like numbness and tingling. My biggest fear is not realizing a stroke before it is too late. While I did not go the entire trip without a migraine, I only had two days of the seven. For me, that is a huge improvement!

During my sessions I experienced symptoms of another ailment and the treatment, modified for this new issue, garnered results in less than 4 hours. This made me a believer.

I am grateful I took this chance. I plan on continuing when I return home.

Thank you very much.


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With at times – a stressful job and just pulling suitcases, 1 husband and 2 teenagers on a 3 week trip through England and Europe prior to embarking on the Ruby Princess – I was experiencing a fair bit of tension and discomfort down the neck, across the shoulders and under the shoulder blades. A hot rock massage was relaxing but didn’t shift the pain.

At home I have regular chiropractic adjustments and deep tissue massage but have never attempted acupuncture. After a consult with Martina – everything she explained made obvious sense.

After my first session I found instant relief in the heaviness I was feeling in my neck. Each session got better and better. Martina also worked on my migraines, unsettled sleep patterns and excess weight issues we discussed a follow-up program to continue the good work Martina has commenced.

I’ve enjoyed Martina’s company and her high level of expertise and professionalism.

I have thoroughly enjoyed my whole “Lotus Spa” experience.

Thank you – Good bye. All the best to you for your future.


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