Posts tagged stroke

I was most pleased with acupuncture services performed by Martina Sturm. I am post stroke and have experienced improvements in heart function, strength and ability to walk. I am looking forward to further improvement with time and exercise. Martina shows great care for her patients and has had long experience and professional manner. I would recommend her to anyone who seeks acupuncture.


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I have suffered from migraine headaches since age 10. I am not really a fan of needles; so kept my distance from acupuncture. This trip offered a “give it a try” plan and I figured, “What the heck…” Others, I know, have had success with acupuncture.

I suffer from symptoms nearly every day. These range from flashing light auras to stroke-like numbness and tingling. My biggest fear is not realizing a stroke before it is too late. While I did not go the entire trip without a migraine, I only had two days of the seven. For me, that is a huge improvement!

During my sessions I experienced symptoms of another ailment and the treatment, modified for this new issue, garnered results in less than 4 hours. This made me a believer.

I am grateful I took this chance. I plan on continuing when I return home.

Thank you very much.


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My husband and I are in our 60’s and had never tried acupuncture before, though our regular physicians are very supportive of alternative methods of treating different conditions. The bottom line to my story is that I am glad we both tried it and I feel it was a successful experiment.

I have suffered 2 strokes and have had some neck pain and stiffness for the 10 years since my last stroke. Dr. Martina listened to me when I said I would like to stop taking some of my prescription drugs. I know there are negatives for taking so many drugs long term. Dr. Martina suggested 7 sessions of acupuncture along with massage and some of the Elemis topical products. I can honestly say I’ve noticed considerably less dizziness and less arthritic pain. During this sailing I injured my knee somehow and Dr. Martina immediately and aggressively began to treat this also.

We are convinced acupuncture is a help to us and will continue treatment at home.

If you try acupuncture, you must realize it is a process and not always an instant cure.


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In November of 2008 I had a stroke which resulted in my whole right side being numb and tingly and my right shoulder being somewhat “frozen” (difficult to raise right arm beyond 40° height without pain). I also lost my hearing in my right ear.

I attended Martina’s seminar on the benefits of acupuncture and after a consultation decided to sign up for a series of 5 treatments.

At the conclusion of these 5 treatments I am happy to say I am able to extend my right hand/arm above my head without pain and the hearing in my right ear has been restored to about 60 percent.

I highly recommend Martina to anyone who may be interested in acupuncture. I found Martina to be very professional courteous and friendly.


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