Posts tagged insomnia

Martina treated me to relieve the burning pain in my knee that prevented me from getting a good night’s sleep. she has been successful even though I have still climbed and descended stairs on various excursions. Relief without more pills!!


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I have been so fortunate to have tried acupuncture on this cruise after nearly 6 month of ongoing muscle pain following a fall. I have bulging discs, stenosis, osteoarthritis everywhere – hips, knees, feet, back, neck, etc. I could rarely walk the first few days of the cruise. I had tried packing Aleve for a couple weeks but stopped due to high blood pressure and edema. Trying acupuncture turned my pain around and it is more manageable. I can walk almost normally. I get up from a chair more easily and sleep much better. I am very thankful for all the help, encouragement and information I have received from a very caring acupuncturist. It made my cruise more enjoyable and I look forward to continuing acupuncture after return home.


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When I came on board ship my difficulty walking, going upstairs and found it impossible to sleep on my side.

After a session or two this started to ease significantly and by the end of my trip I had no trouble at all with stairs and walking. I slept well for most of my cruise,

With out the help from Dr. Martina my cruise would have been very restricted whereas I was able to fully enjoy the activities without hip pain.

Thank you!


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Martina treated me to relieve the burning pain in my knee that prevented me from getting a good night’s sleep. She has been successful even though I have still climbed and descended stairs on various excursions. Relief without more pills!!


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Anxiety, over thinking situations and constant worry and panic attacks have resulted in many stress symptoms in my life. I found falling asleep a long process and wake constantly after only a few hours of sleep. The onset of psychosomatic health problems brought me to explore acupuncture in place of more traditional medication.

After a full course of treatment (16 sessions) I do feel more relaxed and sleep patterns have improved a great deal. I admit I was very skeptical about the lasting effectiveness of the treatment but feel confident that the forward stride taken over the two weeks of the cruise should be maintained. Martina encouraged me to continue with the sessions when the emotions brought to the surface by the acupuncture became overwhelming and I thought I would have to give up.


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Martina Sturm is a wonderful acupuncturist with a significant sensitivity to one’s health. Extreme knee and leg pain was almost gone within a few treatments. My insomnia improved dramatically in two treatments. Acupuncture can totally change your physical wellbeing and a cruise is the perfect opportunity to do so. Cruising can relax you but acupuncture can make you whole!


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Feeling pain in right arm and shoulder usually in the mornings. Sometimes severe pain in the arm at night, hard to sleep without medication also hard to move the arm freely without pain.

After acupuncture no more pain in the nights or in the mornings and the arm is more flexible.


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Before I came on the ship, my right side of my jaw was sore and I was only getting about 3 hours of sleep per night. After 12 treatments, my jaw feels no pain, my neck muscles are loose, and I am able to sleep 6-8 hours a night.


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I was able to have dinner and not suffer pain immediately after. I was able to stay up and watch the show. I was able to sleep without muscle spasms. I am sore but not with the spasm pains. The pills seem also to have helped – but the treatment was so beneficial to me.

I have had 5 treatments of acupuncture with Martina. Considering I have had years of pain and muscle spasms, I feel that even in this short time I have found benefit in the treatments.

I could do more activities and sit up more – which for someone in constant pain and muscle spasms is a great deal.

Martina is not only competent, but considerate and understanding which makes a wonderful combination for a caregiver. I feel blessed to have had the opportunity to have met Martina and work with her as a patient.

I have also worked in the field of health many years ago and certainly appreciate someone as kind and competent as she.


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Antoinette, beauty therapist, introduced me to acupuncture. I then went to the seminar. It was passionate so disregarding traditional medicine in which I have been involved. I thought I would like to try as our GPs (some of them) no longer have the same caring, interest or “finances” in today’s national health system.

I began with a consultation identifying my main symptoms as stress and anxiety.

- First of all my sea sickness stopped after 2/7

- My headaches have improved over several days

- My sleeping pattern is much better

- I feel more relaxed and less anxious

I hope this stays with me in “the outside world”

Martina, thank you. It was hard for me but I so appreciated you, your skill, explanation and successful treatment so far.


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With at times – a stressful job and just pulling suitcases, 1 husband and 2 teenagers on a 3 week trip through England and Europe prior to embarking on the Ruby Princess – I was experiencing a fair bit of tension and discomfort down the neck, across the shoulders and under the shoulder blades. A hot rock massage was relaxing but didn’t shift the pain.

At home I have regular chiropractic adjustments and deep tissue massage but have never attempted acupuncture. After a consult with Martina – everything she explained made obvious sense.

After my first session I found instant relief in the heaviness I was feeling in my neck. Each session got better and better. Martina also worked on my migraines, unsettled sleep patterns and excess weight issues we discussed a follow-up program to continue the good work Martina has commenced.

I’ve enjoyed Martina’s company and her high level of expertise and professionalism.

I have thoroughly enjoyed my whole “Lotus Spa” experience.

Thank you – Good bye. All the best to you for your future.


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