Posts tagged anxiety

I scheduled my first session with Martina Sturm on day 2 of my 5-day cruise. It was my first cruise and the longest time. I would be away from 2 young boys. I could not sleep the night before due to stress, anxiety, and sea sickness. Martina immediately treated me within my first back to back sessions. I felt so relaxed and anxiety free the same day! I continued to see Martina each day. I was able to relax during each session by taking a nap.

I have noticed and improvement with my anxiety in general. I have also had no sea sickness since my first session! I was able to enjoy my entire trip thanks to Martina.

I highly recommend acupuncture as an improvement in quality of life and well-being. I look forward to continuing treatment with acupuncture when I return home.


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My acupuncture treatments have healed me to feel better mentally, emotionally, and physically, Years of emotional abuse and trauma built up toxins and anxieties in my body. I’ve worked for years to improve and feel acupuncture has opened a new pathway for me. I can now use this knowledge to face the remainder of my years with joy and peace.


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Anxiety, over thinking situations and constant worry and panic attacks have resulted in many stress symptoms in my life. I found falling asleep a long process and wake constantly after only a few hours of sleep. The onset of psychosomatic health problems brought me to explore acupuncture in place of more traditional medication.

After a full course of treatment (16 sessions) I do feel more relaxed and sleep patterns have improved a great deal. I admit I was very skeptical about the lasting effectiveness of the treatment but feel confident that the forward stride taken over the two weeks of the cruise should be maintained. Martina encouraged me to continue with the sessions when the emotions brought to the surface by the acupuncture became overwhelming and I thought I would have to give up.


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When this cruise embarked I was having trouble with face and arm numbness - intermittently. I was also anxious about my health because my problem is as of yet undiagnosed; so anxious that I was having panic attacks. Now my numbness is occurring less frequently and is shorter in duration. I’m substantially less anxious. I feel better than I have in the month since my problems first started. My digestion has also improved – less constipated and I’m warmer. I’ve learned much about oriental medicine and can see that it works. I hope to continue learning and hope to find a doctor near home that is as knowledgeable and friendly and eager to help as the doctor on board.


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I came to acupuncture with many ailments. Just to mention a few: sciatica, arthritis, stress, anxiety, headaches. With so much to work with I did not expect miracles but I did notice I had more energy. One session I came in with a headache and when I left it was gone. I’ve also noticed that I can walk farther before the pain gets unbearable. For me that is a big plus. My anxiety seems to have improved also. I feel more at peace. I have made some internal changes so I am more comfortable than I was. I am so thankful for such a great experience.


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Having never had acupuncture before, we weren’t sure what we were going to experience. Martina did a great job explaining, and alleviating our anxiety. After just a few treatments we both noticed improvement in our different areas that we specified needed “help”. We are believers! We highly recommend and will continue this course when we return home.

-Glenn & Jan

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As an avid runner I have developed shin splints that cause my feet to go numb after running. I had tried icing, resting, stretching, medicine and nothing worked. I was very skeptical about acupuncture because I am very afraid of needles. Martina, my acupuncturist was very patient and helped me through my fear.

After just one treatment I was able to run 10km without my feel falling asleep! The tightness in my shins is still there, but I am confident after more treatments this will be reduced as well.

Thank you Martina!


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I was having trouble with face and arm numbness – intermittently. I was also anxious about my health because my problem is as of yet undiagnosed; so anxious that I was having panic attacks. Now my numbness is occurring less frequently and is shorter in duration. I’m substantially less anxious. I feel better than I have in months since my problems first started. My digestion has also improved – less constipated – and I’m warmer. I’ve learned much about oriental medicine and can see that it works. I hope to continue learning and hope to find a doctor near home that is as knowledgeable and friendly and eager to help as the doctor on board.


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Antoinette, beauty therapist, introduced me to acupuncture. I then went to the seminar. It was passionate so disregarding traditional medicine in which I have been involved. I thought I would like to try as our GPs (some of them) no longer have the same caring, interest or “finances” in today’s national health system.

I began with a consultation identifying my main symptoms as stress and anxiety.

- First of all my sea sickness stopped after 2/7

- My headaches have improved over several days

- My sleeping pattern is much better

- I feel more relaxed and less anxious

I hope this stays with me in “the outside world”

Martina, thank you. It was hard for me but I so appreciated you, your skill, explanation and successful treatment so far.


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Dr. Martina Sturm is a true professional, a skilled listener, an accurate diagnostician and a caring person. This was my first introduction to acupuncture and after releasing my anxiety over treatment, I looked forward to all 9 treatments at the Lotus Spa. Thanks to Dr. Martina, I am on the path to better health and much reduced pain.

Thank you!


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