Posts in acupuncture

Kindest, sweetest, caring person. Made us feel completely at home. The job she does is wonderful. She’s like family.


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acupunctureMartina Sturm

Thank you so much for renewing my interest and belief in acupuncture and in Eastern medicine as well.

You are an inspiration and role model (so is your Mom).

I do plan on a new beginning with a healthier lifestyle – thanks to you.


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Martina is a compassionate and knowledgeable practitioner. I have had acupuncture by a well known acupuncturist (OMD) and author of the book “Between Heaven and Earth” for 10 years. Martina was able to continue my care on board very well and allowed a great quality of life despite the vigorous walking through Italy and Greece. It was able to allow full enjoyment of the cruise and its excursions.


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As a cancer survivor, one only wants to live healthy. Western medicine saved my life, yet Eastern medicines have saved so many, I decided to try it again. Dr. Martina is very professional, fully knowledgeable and explained clearly all questions I had. It is a difficult topic, yet the idea was clear. I had the acupuncture treatment, and I have to say I felt less stressed and more relaxed, had more energy, stamina and improved my mood.

I would suggest to dedicate more time to explain how acupuncture works, why were the needles placed in so may different places, when in different areas throughout the treatment, etc. - just more time and info to read (pre-work). So, the experience was extremely worthy, the ship and facilities were great and Dr. Martina is smart, lovely and beautiful.


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On June 21, 2009, I was in a car accident which caused me to suffer from muscle injury in my lower back. After the accident, I was on pain medication for several weeks, which caused drowsiness and several other side effects. At the end of August, I started a series of physical therapy treatments, which appeared to ease the pain somewhat but if I sat down for a long time my back became stiff and painful.

During my cruise on the Ruby Princess I decided to try the acupuncture treatment offered by Dr. Martina. I had several treatments for the back pain. After two treatments the pain stopped. Additionally, during the cruise I developed a pain in my neck and a stiff neck from sleeping on a high pillow. After one treatment of acupuncture for this condition the pain stopped and the stiffness went away.

Thanks to Dr. Martina Sturm and her acupuncture treatments today I am pain free.


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About 30 days before my 10 day cruise I pinched a nerve in my back that created severe pain in my lower back and down my right leg all the way to my toes. I was in so much pain I went to the spa to get a full body massage thinking it would help. It did feel good at the time but the next day the pain was the same. I made a trip back to the spa and talked to Dr. Martina Sturm a licensed acupuncturist. I have never had any type of acupuncture before so I was nervous. After 3 treatments all of my pain was gone and I was able to dance and enjoy my trip on this beautiful vessel, the Ruby Princess.

Thank you so much Dr. Martina – you were great.


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As an avid runner I have developed shin splints that cause my feet to go numb after running. I had tried icing, resting, stretching, medicine and nothing worked. I was very skeptical about acupuncture because I am very afraid of needles. Martina, my acupuncturist was very patient and helped me through my fear.

After just one treatment I was able to run 10km without my feel falling asleep! The tightness in my shins is still there, but I am confident after more treatments this will be reduced as well.

Thank you Martina!


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It works! I had injured my arm while working out about 5 months previous to the trip – it had progressively gotten worse even though I had tried several avenues before (i.e. hot/cold, massage, physical therapy) with some success, still without healing. I attended the herb/acupuncture class and was impressed with the depth of knowledge, expertise and experience that Martina had – as I spoke to her – I knew that she could help me. Even though I was hesitant to try all the sessions I’m grateful that I did for I felt the healing process begin the first day on – I will return now better than I arrived. Thanks to Martina for her expertise and confidence. My only regret is that I can’t take her home with me. It was a marvelous experience. If you are hesitant in trying – do it. It works!!! Thank you, thank you, thank you.


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I came to see Martina with acute difficulty swallowing. Also, during the bus tours on the cruise my neck which was severely injured in a series of MVA’s became reinjured.

I found her diagnostic skills to be excellent!

The effectiveness of her treatments in acupuncture and massage astounded me!

I have seen many doctors; neurosurgeons, physiotherapists naturopaths, chiropractors to find healing. She is the best I’ve seen. In 11 treatments I feel almost no ill effects from my injuries.

Thank you, Martina!


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When I arrived at the Ruby Princess I felt pain in my legs and knees so I couldn’t walk easily.

I went to see the acupuncture doctor and she suggested me a seven days treatment. As soon as I began the treatment I began to feel better and I started walking much better. Now that my treatment finished, I can walk better. I feel better with the medicines the doctor gave me.

I think it was a good recommendation to receive this treatment.

I think Dr. Martina is very accurate.


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I found all five sessions pleasant and relaxing. Acupuncture did help relieve my lower back pain and greatly reduced the need for medication. This is my first step to a pain free lifestyle.


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My first experience with acupuncture was a very positive one. I had trouble putting a sock on my right foot because I had stiffness and pain in my right quadriceps and could not bend. After two treatments I had more flexibility in my legs.

The treatment is not painful and is easily endured.

Acupuncture is not a new science but goes back thousands of years having been used in Chinese medicine.

Give it a try. You may be very surprised at the results.

-Dr. Arthur

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Having never experience acupuncture I was pleasantly surprised. My tendonitis in my left arm was preventing me from enjoying my vacation and interrupting sleep. After 5 treatments I was not bothered by the pain and it did not wake me up at night.

My recommendation is to take the treatment early in the cruise so that you have more time for additional treatments and a REST!

Martina is very reassuring and sensitive to first-time patients. She explains the process thoroughly and has done more to heal my tendonitis in 18 days and 5 treatments than six months of physical therapy! A whole new healing process has been introduced to me and I will pursue acupuncture when I return home.


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Martina took the time to meet with me and discuss issues that have been a concern with me. Not only did she help me with treating me with acupuncture but she also wanted to help me with the natural healing from the inside by showing me the dietary supplements I need.

Martina does an excellent job in her style of acupuncture. Minimal pain - actually it was a discomfort only and then relax time. She lets her warm personality shine through and it puts you at ease.

Hope we can find someone at home as warm and efficient as she is.

Thanks Martina!


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Dr. Sturm’s expertise helped me through the second half of my trip. In Monte Carlo, I slipped and it further injured my right leg. Problems! Dr. Sturm helped me feel better and eased the pain in my right leg. In fact, her direction for my life path was truly appreciated.

She is a credit to her dedicated craft! She is on a great path in her area of expertise! Thank you Doc!


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After attending Dr Sturm’s lectures on acupuncture and Chinese herbs – one can’t help being curious and inspired to take the next step…applying these logical theories to your life. Living in today’s society with poor health, a plethora of prescription drugs and inadequate nutrition…everyone can benefit from Martina’s advice and expertise. Being an RN for 40 years has shown me how traditional medicine and processed foods has diminished the overall picture of “a healthy nation”…treating a specific ailment or disease with acupuncture and “alternative” medicine, rather than prescription drugs (used to cover up symptoms) makes more sense to me. I choose acupuncture to alleviate neck and back pain or herbs and organic foods to keep my body in correct balance to avoid prescription drugs which have devastating side effects and long term complications. Try it…you’ll feel and live the difference. Martina explains everything very clearly, as well!


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A few weeks before our cruise I did something to cause some severe sciatic problems (lower back and pain that moved around from one leg then the other). I was very concerned that it would affect how much walking and climbing I’d be able to do.

We attended Martina’s seminar and decided to give acupuncture a try (she had a captive audience!). If it helped me it would be well worth the investment. I had 7 sessions and was able to maintain a vigorous tour schedule throughout. I am still doing well and feel stronger each day. We have continued our vacation beyond the initial treatment series and I am still feeling so much better!

Thank you, Martina!


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My leg and hip hurt before coming on the cruise and during shore excursions was further irritated. Desperately wanting and needing relief for all the walking ahead of me, I came to Martina for help.

After 4 acupuncture sessions my leg and hip feel 90% better and am able to enjoy the cruise.

Thank you, Martina. You were wonderful and very professional!


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