Detox Done Right: A Comprehensive Guide to Safe and Effective Detoxification

The Science of Detox: How to Cleanse Your Body Without the Side Effects

Time to Detox

We hear so much about detoxification and rightfully so. 

When you realize the amount of toxins we are bombarded with on a daily basis, it can make you paranoid!

The World Health Organization (WHO) recognizes that 24% of all deaths worldwide were attributable to environmental factors. (1) 

Common toxins include:

  • Mold toxins

  • Plasticizers (e.g. phthalates, dicarbonates, phosphates, fatty acid esters)

  • Heavy metals (e.g. lead, cadmium, mercury, arsenic) 

  • PFAs (forever chemicals)

  • Endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs)

  • BPAs

  • Medications

  • Herbicides 

  • Pesticides

  • Toxic air pollutants

We cannot completely escape our exposure, but we can greatly reduce our exposure by cleaning up our personal environment and doing regular detoxification.

Check out my blogs on environmental toxins, and endocrine disrupting chemicals to understand more about their impact on our health and to get a kickstart on reducing your toxic exposure.

This is my recently discovered favorite site for finding non-toxic products.

Since the 1970s, around 87,000 chemicals have been approved for commercial use of which only a fraction have been formally examined. (2) 

Navigating our chemical-laden environment can feel overwhelming. 

With this much chemical exposure, it makes sense that we are equally bombarded with the latest detox trends.

But what does detoxification actually mean? Should you be juice fasting, doing a master cleanse, or drinking detox teas?

I don’t blame you, if you're confused!

Detoxification is a critical process that helps the body eliminate these harmful substances, but it’s not always so straightforward. 

Over time, toxins can accumulate in our bodies, leading to a range of health issues from fatigue and brain fog to chronic inflammation and oxidative stress (which in turn blocks the ability to detoxify). 

In turn, more serious diseases develop such as cancer, heart disease, and neurological diseases like Alzheimer’s.

Before jumping into detox blindly, it is always most important to be properly assessed and diagnosed so that an appropriate treatment plan can be tailored to your unique case.

In this blog, I’ll outline the phases of detoxification and the best support for each phase, what optimal detoxification strategies looks like so you can avoid a detox crisis.

Understanding the Phases of Detoxification: How Your Body Clears Toxins

Detoxification is a vital process that your body uses to eliminate harmful substances, including  environmental toxins, drugs, and heavy metals as well as your day-to-day endogenous toxins such as metabolic waste (carbon dioxide and ammonia), hormone metabolites, and bacterial endotoxins. 

This process mainly occurs in the liver, where toxins are transformed into compounds that can be excreted. 

The detoxification process in the liver is divided into two key phases: Phase 1 and Phase 2. 

Phase 3 is considered the elimination or excretion phase and happens via the stool, urine or sweat. (3)

Phase 1 Detoxification: Activation

Phase 1 detoxification is the first line of defense in the detox process. This phase involves a series of chemical reactions that use enzymes (mainly the cytochrome P450 family) to modify toxins, making them more water-soluble and easier for the body to handle. These enzymes help in:

  • Oxidation: Adding oxygen to the toxin to make it more reactive.

  • Reduction: Removing oxygen from the toxin to alter its structure.

  • Hydrolysis: Breaking down the toxin with water.

  • Hydration: Adding water molecules to the toxin to facilitate its breakdown.

  • Dehalogenation: Removing halogen atoms (like chlorine or bromine) from the toxin.

The main goal of Phase 1 is to transform fat-soluble toxins into intermediate metabolites, which are often more chemically reactive.

 While this makes them easier to excrete, it can also make them more dangerous if they’re not quickly neutralized. Therefore, Phase 1 detoxification can produce free radicals as byproducts, leading to oxidative stress if not properly managed (4). 

Nutritional Support for Phase 1 Detox

Supporting Phase 1 detoxification is crucial to ensure that your liver can effectively process toxins without causing harm. Key nutrients that support Phase 1 detoxification include (5):

  • B Vitamins (especially B2, B3, B6, B12, and folate): Essential for enzyme function in Phase 1.

  • Antioxidants (like vitamins C, A, and E and alpha lipoic acid ): Help neutralize free radicals generated during this phase.

  • Glutathione: A powerful antioxidant that protects cells from oxidative damage.

  • Flavonoids: Found in fruits and vegetables, these compounds support the liver enzymes involved in Phase 1 detox.

Phase 2 Detoxification: Conjugation

Phase 2 detoxification is where the liver neutralizes the intermediate metabolites produced in Phase 1, making them safer for excretion. This phase involves a process called conjugation, where the body adds a water-soluble group to the metabolite, further increasing its solubility and reducing its reactivity. There are several types of conjugation reactions, including:

  • Glutathione Conjugation: Attaching glutathione to the toxin to neutralize it.

  • Sulfation: Adding a sulfate group to the toxin for easier excretion.

  • Glucuronidation: Adding glucuronic acid to the toxin, making it more water-soluble.

  • Amino Acid Conjugation: Using amino acids like glycine, taurine, and glutamine to neutralize toxins.

  • Methylation: Adding a methyl group to toxins to facilitate their removal.

Phase 2 detoxification effectively neutralizes potentially harmful intermediate metabolites, allowing them to be safely excreted through urine or bile.

Nutritional Support for Phase 2 Detox

Phase 2 detoxification relies heavily on a variety of nutrients and compounds to function effectively. Key nutrients that support this phase include (4):

  • Glutathione: Crucial for conjugation reactions, particularly in binding to toxins.

  • Sulfur-containing foods (like garlic, onions, and cruciferous vegetables): Support sulfation.

  • Amino acids (like glycine, taurine, and methionine): Essential for amino acid conjugation.

  • Methyl donors (such as folate, vitamin B12, and SAMe): Support methylation processes.

Balancing Phase 1 and Phase 2 Detoxification

For optimal detoxification, it's essential that both Phase 1 and Phase 2 processes are balanced. If Phase 1 is overactive and Phase 2 is sluggish, the body can accumulate reactive intermediates, leading to increased oxidative stress and potential damage to cells and tissues. 

Conversely, if Phase 2 is overly stimulated without adequate Phase 1 activity, the body may struggle to handle fat-soluble toxins effectively. 

Phase 3 Detoxification: Elimination of Toxins

While Phase 1 and Phase 2 detoxification processes in the liver are critical for transforming and neutralizing toxins, Phase 3 detoxification is the critical step for the final elimination of these processed toxins from the body.

This phase ensures that the now water-soluble and less harmful compounds are effectively excreted, preventing them from re-entering the bloodstream and causing further harm by re-toxifying the system. (6)

What Is Phase 3 Detoxification?

Phase 3 detoxification, also known as the excretion phase, involves the transport of the detoxified compounds from the liver to the organs of elimination: the intestines, kidneys, and skin.

The focus of Phase 3 is to ensure that these toxins, which have been processed and neutralized in Phases 1 and 2, are safely removed from the body through urine, feces, and sweat.

Key Pathways of Phase 3 Detoxification

Biliary Excretion (Liver to Intestines):

After Phase 2 detoxification, many conjugated toxins are transported from the liver into the bile. The bile, which is produced by the liver, carries these toxins into the intestines, where they can be excreted with feces.

Bile flow is crucial for this process, and any impairment in bile production or flow can lead to toxin buildup in the liver or reabsorption in the intestines, leading to a process called enterohepatic recirculation. (7)

Renal Excretion (Kidneys):

Water-soluble toxins, after being processed by the liver, are filtered by the kidneys and excreted in the urine. The kidneys play a vital role in Phase 3 detoxification, ensuring that these toxins do not accumulate in the blood and are effectively removed.

Proper hydration is essential for maintaining kidney function and supporting the excretion of toxins through urine.

Intestinal Excretion:

Once bile carries toxins into the intestines, they need to be bound and excreted with feces. This is where dietary fiber and certain binding agents (like zeolite, bentonite clay, activated charcoal, silica or chitosan) come into play. These substances bind to the toxins and help transport them out of the body. 

Regular bowel movements are crucial for this aspect of detoxification, as constipation can lead to the reabsorption of toxins back into the bloodstream.

Sweating (Skin):

The skin is another important organ of elimination. Toxins can be excreted through sweat, making activities like exercise, sauna use, and detox baths beneficial for Phase 3 detoxification.

Ensuring adequate sweating through physical activity or therapeutic heat exposure can enhance the elimination of toxins via the skin.

Supporting Phase 3 Detoxification

To optimize Phase 3 detoxification and ensure that processed toxins are effectively eliminated from the body, consider the following strategies:

Maintain Hydration: Drinking plenty of water supports kidney function and aids in the excretion of water-soluble toxins through urine. Aim for at least 8 cups of water daily, but more may be necessary depending on your activity level and individual needs.

Increase Dietary Fiber: A diet rich in fiber supports intestinal health and regular bowel movements, both of which are essential for the excretion of toxins through feces. Foods like fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and legumes are excellent sources of fiber.

Support Bile Flow:To enhance bile production and flow, include foods like beets, dandelion greens, and artichokes in your diet. Supplements such as phosphatidylcholine, taurine, and bitter herbs (like milk thistle and dandelion root) can also promote healthy bile flow.

Engage in Regular Physical Activity: Exercise promotes sweating, which helps eliminate toxins through the skin. Activities like brisk walking, jogging, yoga, and sauna use can enhance sweating and support detoxification.

Use Binders: Binders like activated charcoal, chlorella, zeolite, bentonite clay, silica, citrus pectin or chitosan can help trap toxins in the intestines, preventing their reabsorption and facilitating their excretion through feces. Binders are a crucial part of the detoxification process to avoid re-toxification. 

Consider Gut Health: A healthy gut microbiome is crucial for detoxification. Probiotics, prebiotics, and fermented foods can support gut health, promoting the efficient elimination of toxins.

Detox Baths and Sauna Therapy: Regular use of saunas or detox baths can enhance sweating and assist in the elimination of toxins through the skin. Add Epsom salts, baking soda, or essential oils to your bath to boost detoxification benefits.

Balancing the Detoxification Phases

For effective detoxification, it’s important to ensure that all three phases—Phase 1 (activation), Phase 2 (conjugation), and Phase 3 (elimination)—are functioning optimally.

Supporting each phase through diet, lifestyle, and targeted supplementation helps your body efficiently handle and remove toxins, protecting you from the harmful effects of environmental exposures.

When these phases are balanced, your body can detoxify more effectively, leading to improved energy levels, clearer skin, better digestion, and overall enhanced well-being. 

However, if any phase is compromised, it can lead to toxin buildup, increasing your risk for chronic diseases and other serious health issues.

This can seem overwhelming to try to navigate on your own.

A Quicksilver Certified Detoxification Practitioner*, like Dr. Martina Sturm at Denver Sports and Holistic Medicine, can guide you through that process to optimize your detoxification experience.

Assessing Your Toxic Burden 

As a first step, it is important to understand the quantity and quality of the toxic burden. In other words, what toxins are present and how much of them. 

Lab testing that determines your toxic burden is a crucial first step in determining what detox strategies to implement and for how long. 

Other labs that should be considered assess micronutrients, gut, and hormones.

Detoxification Strategies

The Quicksilver Scientific Push Catch Detox System offers a unique and effective approach to detoxification, providing a structured way to rid the body of toxins safely and efficiently. (8)

What is the Push Catch Detox System?

The Push Catch Detox System, developed by Quicksilver Scientific (QS), is a two-step protocol designed to mobilize toxins (Push) and safely eliminate them from the body (Catch).

This method ensures that toxins are effectively excreted without being reabsorbed or causing undue harm to the body. 

The Push Phase

Goal: The primary objective of the Push phase is to mobilize toxins from their storage sites, such as fat cells, liver, and other tissues, and move them into the bloodstream for elimination.

How It Works: In this phase, liposomal supplements are used to enhance the body’s natural detox pathways. Quicksilver Scientific's products often include ingredients like glutathione, phosphatidylcholine, and other antioxidants that support liver function and cellular detoxification. These ingredients work synergistically to "push" toxins out of the cells and into the bloodstream, preparing them for elimination.

The Catch Phase

Goal: The Catch phase focuses on binding and capturing the mobilized toxins in the gastrointestinal tract so they can be excreted from the body.

How It Works: Once the toxins have been mobilized, they need to be safely removed from the body to avoid reabsorption. This is where binders come in. Quicksilver Scientific's binders, such as Ultra Binder, contain ingredients like zeolite clay, activated charcoal, and silica, which bind to toxins in the gut. These bound toxins are then excreted through the bowels, effectively "catching" them before they can re-enter circulation.

Why the Push Catch Model is Effective

Traditional detox methods often involve aggressive fasting, juice cleanses, or other approaches that can overwhelm the body and lead to a "detox crisis," where toxins are released faster than they can be eliminated. 

This can result in symptoms like headaches, nausea, and fatigue. The Push Catch model avoids these pitfalls by ensuring a balanced, phased approach to detoxification that is both gentle and effective.

Liposomal Delivery System: Quicksilver Scientific utilizes a unique liposomal delivery system for its supplements, which enhances the absorption of key nutrients and ensures they reach the target tissues effectively. This method allows for more precise control over the detoxification process, minimizing the risk of side effects. 

Quicksilver Scientific's patented lipid nanoparticle technology stands out due to its unparalleled ability to enhance the bioavailability and absorption of nutrients and detoxifying agents. Unlike traditional delivery methods, this advanced technology encapsulates active ingredients within tiny (20-100nm), stable lipid particles that can easily pass through cell membranes. 

QS liposomes are far superior compared to other brands of liposomal products, whose particles are greater than 200nm, are unstable, and fall out of solution. 

Quicksilver Scientific's patented lipid nanoparticle technology ensures that the nutrients reach their target tissues efficiently and in higher concentrations, significantly amplifying their effectiveness. 

By mimicking the body's natural lipid structures, Quicksilver's technology ensures rapid and complete absorption, providing faster, more potent results in detoxification and health optimization.

Comprehensive Detox: The Push Catch system is designed to address multiple detox pathways, including liver detoxification, bile flow, and gut health.

This comprehensive approach ensures that toxins are fully processed and eliminated, rather than being partially detoxified and reabsorbed. 

Your Quicksilver Scientific Certified Detox practitioner will tailor your specific detoxification protocol to your unique health needs. 

This depends on what toxic substances need removal, your nutrient status, hormone profile, and what symptoms and health concerns are present. 

This holistic and personalized approach to detoxification can set you up for the greatest success.

The Benefits of Push Catch Detoxification

Supports Liver Function: The liver is the body’s primary detox organ, and the Push Phase supports its function by providing the necessary nutrients for phase I and phase II detoxification pathways. This ensures that toxins are properly processed and prepared for elimination.

Prevents Reabsorption of Toxins: By using effective binders in the Catch Phase, the system prevents reabsorption of toxins, which is a common issue with other detox methods. This helps to reduce the overall toxic load on the body.

Reduces Detox Symptoms: The phased approach minimizes the risk of detoxification side effects, making it a more comfortable and sustainable option for individuals seeking to cleanse their bodies.

Improves Gut Health: The binders used in the Catch phase also support gut health by binding to not just toxins but also excess bile and other harmful substances, reducing inflammation and promoting a healthier microbiome by reducing endotoxins.

Personalizing Your Detox Program

The Quicksilver Scientific Push Catch Detox System offers a revolutionary approach to detoxification, combining advanced scientific principles with practical, easy-to-follow steps.

Although the system is easy to use, personalization is key, depending on your individual needs. Working under the guidance of a qualified practitioner, such as Dr. Martina Sturm, certified in Quicksilver Scientific Detoxification.

By mobilizing toxins and ensuring their safe elimination, the Push Catch model helps to reduce the toxic burden on the body, improve overall health, and enhance well-being. 

At Denver Sports and Holistic Medicine, we offer a comprehensive and personalized strategy for addressing toxin elimination, focusing on identifying and eliminating exposure, supporting all phases of detoxification, and addressing other related issues to restore health and balance. 

Request a free 15-minute consultation with Dr. Martina Sturm at Denver Sports and Holistic Medicine, today. 

Whether you’re dealing with chronic health issues or simply looking to cleanse your body from everyday environmental exposures, Dr. Martina Sturm uses a safe, effective, and science-backed method to achieve your detox goals.


  1. Preventing disease through healthy environments: a global assessment of the burden of disease from environmental risks  

  2. Environmental exposures and cancer: using the precautionary principle 

  3. Detoxification pathways in the liver

  4. Free radicals, antioxidants and functional foods: Impact on human health 

  5. Modulation of Metabolic Detoxification Pathways Using Foods and Food-Derived Components: A Scientific Review with Clinical Application 


  7. The Role of the Liver and Gut in Detoxification and How to Support Them With Integrative Medicine 

  8. Quicksilver Scientific

*Quicksilver Scientific Institute (QSI) is a premier educational platform offering healthcare professionals two certification courses: Detoxification and Hormones. QSI Certified Practitioners have completed the course(s) and are officially trained and certified to use Quicksilver products and protocols in practice.