Posts in acupuncture

The light at the end of the tunnel was slowly fading for me with my physical ailments and mental challenges and stress. Dr. Martina came highly recommended for her success in acupuncture and Chinese herbal healing. She is amazing! I had her 10-day treatment and the results have been incredible. I have much more energy and no aches and pains! This in turn has given me a new lease on life. Literally making my body function normal again. I feel full of life and vitality. I am truly “coming back new”.

Thank you, Dr. Martina!


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Arriving on the cruise from Vancouver to San Diego & return. I was quite stiff and unable to climb stairs. As I have my laundry room in the basement of my house, this is a concern. I have also been recommended to lose weight before knee replacement surgery.

Dr. Martina encouraged me to do a full session of 10 treatments each for pain and weight loss. Irma, a massage therapist did hot stone and seaweed treatment on my back legs.

Together, these two holistic specialists enabled me to climb 180 stairs of the court house tower in Santa Barbara after walking 16 km. The pain in my knees have lessened to the point I have cancelled the knee replacement surgery. The girls encouraged me to seek holistic treatment at home for ongoing improvement. Together with the herbal supplement capsules and both treatments I am confident I will continue to feel rejuvenated.

Thank you Dr. Martina!


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Before I arrived on the ship I had been suffering from a knee injury and was in terrible pain. I was afraid I would not be able to be able to enjoy the excursions we had planned.

I went up to the spa and me Dr. Martina the next day. She started treatments that days and I was able to have a great adventure on our trip.

I continue a full session of treatment and would recommend anyone suffering from pain to make sure and visit her and they will benefit greatly from her care.

Thank you again Dr. Martina, I only wish you worked close by so I could continue to take advantage of your wonderful care.

May God bless you and your care for others.


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I thought that my sciatica flare-up would literally ruin my trip! I had extreme pain in my left leg. I was so lucky to find acupuncture right here on the ship. In just a few days my pain had been reduced significantly! I was able to enjoy the cruise of a lifetime.

Thank you!


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I have suffered from motion sickness all my life. Decided to try acupuncture on this cruise since I was having more sickness than normal. I wish I would have done this before. It really worked and allowed me to enjoy the rest of my cruise. Well worth the time and money. Suggest you do it the first day out and have a good time!


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Martina treated me to relieve the burning pain in my knee that prevented me from getting a good night’s sleep. She has been successful even though I have still climbed and descended stairs on various excursions. Relief without more pills!!


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Anxiety, over thinking situations and constant worry and panic attacks have resulted in many stress symptoms in my life. I found falling asleep a long process and wake constantly after only a few hours of sleep. The onset of psychosomatic health problems brought me to explore acupuncture in place of more traditional medication.

After a full course of treatment (16 sessions) I do feel more relaxed and sleep patterns have improved a great deal. I admit I was very skeptical about the lasting effectiveness of the treatment but feel confident that the forward stride taken over the two weeks of the cruise should be maintained. Martina encouraged me to continue with the sessions when the emotions brought to the surface by the acupuncture became overwhelming and I thought I would have to give up.


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For very many years I have suffered from pain and swelling in my lower legs, ankles and feet. This is as a result of having no left knee-cap and walking with a limp and as a result of other sporting and accidental injuries. This problem is exacerbated by walking any distance, travel and dealing with stairs and uneven ground.

Having tried many methods of reducing the pain and inflammation I was persuaded to try acupuncture and was very skeptical about the idea (Nothing else worked.).

Although by no means cured, having had a full course of treatment I did feel immediate benefits. I have generally found walking a little easier and less painful and on some occasions, I was pain-free.

Martina has been instrumental in inspiring me to continue to make changes which will hopefully, produce major benefits to my overall health which in turn, should ameliorate the specific lower leg problem too.


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I inquired about acupuncture on my cruise because my legs, ankles and feet were swollen and numb from extensive flying to get to my cruise, and I’m diabetic.

I found out that through My Blue Wellness Training with Blue Cross insurance that acupuncture helps with diabetes.

This acupuncture I have taken on my cruise has really helped and I’m feeling improved movement and feeling in my feet and toes.

I will continue acupuncture when I get home.


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I have suffered with migraines for a few years. They tend to last three days per occurrence. My husband suggested trying acupuncture while on our cruise, I thought about it and gave it a try. I started with one appointment to see what it was about and if it was something that could help. I do not like taking drugs to treat my condition as it was worth a shot. After the third treatment I felt a lot better and was very excited about the results. Being new to acupuncture it was critical to schedule multiple appointments to see results quickly. I am very pleased with the results and will continue treatment when I go home.


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This was my initial experience with acupuncture so I was skeptical concerning the efficacy of the treatment. The first treatment showed signs of improvement in the level of pain, I then decided to accelerate the treatment by taking two additional treatments/day over the next 3 days. Each day the decreased level of pain and improvement in mobility was experienced.

Would encourage anyone facing knee replacement to give it a try.


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Martina Sturm is a wonderful acupuncturist with a significant sensitivity to one’s health. Extreme knee and leg pain was almost gone within a few treatments. My insomnia improved dramatically in two treatments. Acupuncture can totally change your physical wellbeing and a cruise is the perfect opportunity to do so. Cruising can relax you but acupuncture can make you whole!


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Found Martina very knowledgeable and professional in her execution of her tasks. She did have some very vocal doubters that she managed to successfully “bat off”. Her treatments were again very professional and acupuncture managed to fix my problem, although more treatments will be needed when we get home.

Well done Martina ☺


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I began several months ago looking into pain relief for neuropathy as my foot pain continued to increase and have seen my G.P., endocrinologist, and neurologist. My prescribed medicines were not helping and my doctor’s tried to help, usually by increasing the medication concentration. I looked into acupuncture, and after attending a seminar on the Regal by Martina S., I signed up for treatment. I attended acupuncture consultation and after the third treatment my foot pain, especially at night time, had reduced significantly. By my 5th session my feet were at a very tolerable level and I actually stopped my prescribed medication for pain. I plan on continuing acupuncture as a method to reduce my foot pains. The Regal, the spa, and the schedule set-up for me by Martina, allowed easy access to acupuncture treatments, something that at home may have taken weeks to accomplish. Thank you! My pain as decreased by over 80%.


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Prior to my trip I had a swollen foot around back of foot and beneath ankle. I had previously been diagnosed with Hagland’s deformity years ago.

First day I had difficulty walking and was in extreme pain. I didn’t want this to ruin my cruise so I thought I’d try acupuncture.

After 2 treatments it alleviated my pain to the point that I could get around, however, after being on the beach and walking in the sand, I did have tolerable pain and swelling.

Today 11th treatment and I feel good and swelling down considerably. I wished I would have had the opportunity to rest my foot so I could say I believe in this 100%. I’m an “impatient patient” but I do believe I would have to have gone through 3 months of physical therapy to get where I am today. I plan to continue this at home for a sense of wellbeing and relaxation. I definitely want to learn more about this.


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Feeling pain in right arm and shoulder usually in the mornings. Sometimes severe pain in the arm at night, hard to sleep without medication also hard to move the arm freely without pain.

After acupuncture no more pain in the nights or in the mornings and the arm is more flexible.


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Have formerly been successfully treated for pain in my left wrist, so I took a chance to treat my knee.

After 7 (seven) sessions my pain was gone, I only have a heavy feeling in my knee, maybe after stepping up and down the stairs on board for eight times between floor 5 and 14 every day.

I have also got good advice on how not to bend down in order not to strain the knee.


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