Posts in acupuncture

I have had a lot of back pain. I had some shots, which did not help. When I came aboard ship, I attended her lecture on acupuncture and I decided to try it, so I had Martina take over. All I can say is I feel much better, she helped me to enjoy my days on the ship, she helped me. I can’t praise her enough. I hope I’ll see her again someday and I will go for acupuncture in the future. I wish her the best.

Thank you, Martina.


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Before I came on the ship, my right side of my jaw was sore and I was only getting about 3 hours of sleep per night. After 12 treatments, my jaw feels no pain, my neck muscles are loose, and I am able to sleep 6-8 hours a night.


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I was having back and sciatic nerve problems on and off for over 1-1/2 years, until recently, where it got worse and worse. I went to a chiropractor and a physical therapist and they helped a little. A friend of mine told me about acupuncture therapy just before my wife and I came on this cruise and how much it helped him.

Acupuncture treatment? I thought a medieval way to treat people. I went to a seminar they were having on the ship about this very subject. There I met this nice young lady giving a convincing speech about how she can cure many ailments relating to the body. Her name is Dr. Martina.

I decided to give her a try. Best move I’ve made in years. Dr. Martina, I can’t thank you enough. THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU!


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I have had several treatments. Before my treatments I was easily worn out. I had sciatic pain and pain in my heels. Yet after the treatments I have more energy and I went dancing after my 6th treatment. I went dancing and I wore out a lady young enough to be my daughter. I danced until after midnight. At home I’m usually ready for bed around 9pm (my time zone is the same as the ships).

I would recommend acupuncture to anyone with aches and pains. I feel so much better.


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Problem #1: I injured my knee 5 months ago. Through PT sessions my knee was getting stronger. However, we took a bus to the pier. The bus had 5 really steep steps – I killed my knees. My husband had to help me get up out of my wheelchair and out of the bathroom. I could not manage the little step to get into the bathroom either.

After my first treatment, I could walk better. On treatment day 2, I walked to the spa. By day 3 the stiffness started going away temporarily. By day 5 the stiffness was mostly gone. Although I still have pain, mostly when getting up off chairs, it is vastly improved. I can easily climb the one step to the bathroom. I can get up from a chair on the first try. I still have pain – but nothing like I did when I came on board the ship.

Problem #2: I have neuropathy in both feet – a result of deformed feet since birth. After the first treatment I had slight tingling and the muscle cramps were not as severe. By the end of the cruise I realized that my foot muscles were very relaxed. I did not have muscle cramps from the third treatment on!

Problem 3: After a night on the ship rocking and rolling, I woke up dizzy. We went to the doctor’s office and got some seasick pills. They worked only a little. After a treatment for dizziness I had sea spots in my ears. I still had sporadic dizziness, but pushing on the spots stopped the spinning every time. Without the treatment I would have spent my final 2 days in bed!


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Having never had acupuncture before, we weren’t sure what we were going to experience. Martina did a great job explaining, and alleviating our anxiety. After just a few treatments we both noticed improvement in our different areas that we specified needed “help”. We are believers! We highly recommend and will continue this course when we return home.

-Glenn & Jan

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I have suffered from migraine headaches since age 10. I am not really a fan of needles; so kept my distance from acupuncture. This trip offered a “give it a try” plan and I figured, “What the heck…” Others, I know, have had success with acupuncture.

I suffer from symptoms nearly every day. These range from flashing light auras to stroke-like numbness and tingling. My biggest fear is not realizing a stroke before it is too late. While I did not go the entire trip without a migraine, I only had two days of the seven. For me, that is a huge improvement!

During my sessions I experienced symptoms of another ailment and the treatment, modified for this new issue, garnered results in less than 4 hours. This made me a believer.

I am grateful I took this chance. I plan on continuing when I return home.

Thank you very much.


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About 3-4 months ago I noticed a distinct lack of control over both my left foot and arm. I was limping and scuffing my shoe with every step, and I had a marked lack of dexterity in my hand. I couldn’t even button my jeans, let alone type. I kept thinking it would improve if I worked my way through it and of course it hadn’t. I had even resorted to ankle braces as I was literally walking on my inside ankles, and for a girl who always wears heels, this “wasn’t happening”. Yet I kept delaying going to the doctor.

On Embarkation Day, while unpacking, I noticed the Lotus Spa services offered acupuncture. I have never had, nor known anyone who has ever had acupuncture done. But I thought since I was taking my Mom up to the Spa for a wash and set on formal day, I would check into it. Needless to say, I tried it and Dr. Sturm scheduled me to do a session a day, working around my shore excursions, et al. I noticed an improvement each day, and by the next formal night (Friday) I was able to dance several dances with my husband! I am THRILLED! I have one more session this afternoon and in only one week I have gone from limping with every step, to speeding up and down the halls getting from one end of the ship to the other!

Thank you Martina!


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My wife and I took this trip because we were both under tremendous stress with home life. We tried treatments with Martina and were a little skeptical because it’s something new to me, but after just a few visits was amazed with results. I didn’t realize a lot of my aches and pains were due to the stress in my life. Now we’re at the end of our vacation and I feel wonderful.

Now I’m a believer. Thanks Martina!


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I have taken many cruises before and have gotten rest, or so I thought, but the stress, aches soon returned.

On this trip I decided to try acupuncture to relieve the pain in my back and down my leg. I had never tried this procedure before and did not really know what to expect.

After the first treatment I was amazed that the pain, after my back surgery, had diminished, I rested MUCH better and had more energy. Not only that, my appetite has been curbed. I might have LOST weight on this cruise!! My eating habits have changed - I no longer crave sweets – mostly fruits and veggies.

I now believe in natural treatment of acupuncture. This procedure has no side effects to treating ailments unlike prescription drugs.

I have smiled and laughed more on this trip than ever before. I feel confident that I can deal with things back home and hope to continue treatments there.

Thanks Martina, for taking us under your wing and educating us!


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It was a pleasure to work with Martina for acupuncture treatment. She helped me with my right hip pain. I would recommend her to others for pain relief. She was professional, pleasant and easy to visit with. Thank you.


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I sought Martina’s help for a non-serious injury.

After reading my history and realizing that I had multiple problems, she suggested some intensive therapy. Martina said it was an opportunity to make some breakthroughs. I was reluctant as my husband and I had not expected to make this financial outlay.

I agreed as I was stressed by my problem and not enjoying the cruise and also it was a strain for my husband.

I do not regret having intensive therapy as Martina has helped me and I feel a lot happier. Martina is professional and has a very endearing manner.


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I wanted to take this opportunity to express my sincere appreciation for the fine care received from Martina Sturm. Shortly before leaving for our first and highly anticipated cruise, I developed a low back problem which could have compromised the quality of our Princess Cruise experience. Martina’s acupuncture work with me salvaged our holiday plans.

Martina took the time to thoroughly review my current situation and medical history to develop an excellent treatment protocol. She was kind and gentle in the application of our agreed upon treatment. Martina worked a schedule which minimized the impact on our planned activities both on and off the vessel.

I am exceptionally pleased with the service received at the Lotus Spa and in particular Martina.


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We have found Dr. Martina Sturm to be a most professional and dedicated acupuncturist. Her treatment of us was above expectation, and we would highly recommend her to whoever is fortunate enough to be treated by her.

We found her to be extremely knowledgeable and her attitude very caring. We wish her continued success in the future.

-Peter & Diana

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acupunctureMartina Sturm

Martina is a total professional, she knows acupuncture inside out and shows her knowledge so readily. I was very impressed with the way she handled a power point failure. She made the topic interesting and pointed out pros and cons in acupuncture versus conventional medicines.

I signed up for an intense treatment plan and had a positive reaction after the first session. Martina was treating me holistically and the 3 areas of concern responded positively right from the beginning. I am delighted with the results and will continue to have acupuncture on a maintenance basis when I return to Australia.

The bonus is that I have also shed 3kg without trying!

Meeting Martina has changed my life, after a long standing back problem I feel whole again. Thanks Martina for your expertise and friendship. Great job, well done!!


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Both my daughter and I received multiple acupuncture treatments from Martina. Here are our stories.

Both of us suffer from PTSD from the result of an abusive relationship from my ex-husband, her father.

When I came on board I was, at 39, taking 6 different meds for allergies, high blood pressure, severe stress-related TMJ, chronic back pain, and for a recent car accident injury. In spite of narcotic pain meds, I was in constant pain.

After the first acupuncture treatment, I was able to stop taking the heavy pain medicine. Upon the subsequent treatments, my overall physical well being increased significantly. I am very happy with my experience, as prior chiropractic NeuroSoma massage, physical therapy and pain meds treatment never really alleviated my pain.

My daughter, who’s 14, struggles from significant socio-emotional issues. She was molested by her father repeatedly, but has a very difficult time verbally expressing herself regarding everything she’s been through.

Through her acupuncture treatments, which initially leave her sad, angry, exhausted and deeply disturbed, she was able to release a lot of the pent-up and repressed negative energy that’s been trapped in her physiologically since the abuse happened. She has since then become much more verbally expressive, even more age appropriately rebellious/assertive and more social.

After my experiences with Martina and acupuncture, I am a firm believer in the treatment and believe that it is well worth the financial investment.


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Martina is very compassionate and talented in her art. She showed concern for each of my pains caused by inflammation and tight muscles. I am nearly pain free today at the end of the cruise.


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She is the kindest, sweetest, caring person we have met on any of our cruises. She made us very comfortable and helped us relax from our stressful life. She has encouraged us to change our eating habits and lifestyle to more natural additives which we are comfortable and will continue.


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